Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Why no replay of Sixties will work-Jesus-Moses God gave the prophecy truth Land and Wisdom-not wanted by Majority of Black Slaves in willderness of North America=Karma -Cause and Effect!

Why no replay of sixties, because you would have been born on another planet out in space  not to know blacks and current descendants were brought to these shores against our will in chains and shackles, stripped of everything including language, families, land and culture.  Lynched, beaten, raped, castrated, water hosed sold and traded like cattle, put into the pit holds of this rotten demonic system to be abused and misused by Caucasians slave masters and money changers- usury of the highest degree, who now live in denial with the blessings of Black Judas Sellouts telling the flock to love them unconditionally !!  What kind of insane nonsense is this?  When you return home, to your heaven, on your own land-every body  will be lovey dove breaking bread together.  One family of bloodsucking vampires and sissies.  How's that for Justice?   How interesting and ironic that so many of us were willing to leave these shores,  fight themselves and kind for white devils and Satan within the money machine of Corporate America.  Exclude, yours truly, from this insanity as I refused to be apart of this madness and was called ( Psycho)!  So be it-I didn't go!  At an early age I realized the real war was not over seas but right here- on this land!  The sad truth, members of my family refused to take such a stand...some on Land-some in the Air and others under Admiralty Law and into the fraternal order of the deep!  As an insult, some had the gall to use my name to enter the lands beyond the Jordan.  In every case both, Male and Female they failed.  When I asked them what they had answer came forth.  They too, returned to these shores hoping to be accepted-not understanding a Zebra never changes it's stripes nor does a Leopard it's spots-while a pig is still a pig-with no feeling!  What family members and others refuse to talk about in a state of denial is that the Prophecy Of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob is real !  Jacob's Seed was the focal point of all this madness in the form of usury envy and jealousy, was and is the Land and Birthright of Reuben-foundation of Black Israel-chosen  by God in the Spirit-coveted by Judas and the Nations of the World !  Would you believe in your Synagogues-Churches-Mosques in Masonry and Shrinedom, other areas of hidden knowledge, yours truly,Reuben's Action and God's Divine Intervention and Judgment is not only cause for concern but labeled  (Terrorist!)...knowing that they are non believers in prophecy and failed in ISIS!  "The One Day War! Couldn't walk the Kings Highway or fight the Phony State of White Israel! It's hard for many to believe I took an Action relative to information spread throughout the fifty states within this Corporate State of America, concerning the mental state and condition of the slaves ending in the fires of Watts!"  These actions and many others brought into focus Elijah Mohammad and Muslims, Bishops within the Christian Churches claiming Jacob stole the Divine Birth Right of Esau as the Money making machine of White Aryan Jews-claiming the birthright of Judah through conversion(Askinazism )  Spain -Portugal conversion(Sephardim-through the Sanhedrin Council of Black Jewery, facilitated by Egypt-Vatican-Greece and Ethiopia.  After all is said and done it was my introduction to the "Herald Dispatch Weekly News Paper here in Los Angeles, owner and publisher-Mr Sanford Alexander that sealed my destiny and opened the Doors of heaven to my God and the truth therein!  So-all the talk and more talk means nothing without faith in action !   Malcolm X who was raised by Mr Alexander found this out too late  as did Dr King  who gave a portion of the promised Land to the vampires of Europe receiving the Noble Peace Prize for what he thought would be he and his followers acceptance! Will the Sixties be replayed ?  No!  Many Black Slaves are now paying the price too Karma and Lucifer-thinking they to will enter heaven-fighting God the Creator as they covet the Divine Creation!   (C)   Reuben Seed of Jacob-Sun-Son of Simeon By faith in faith I Am !             Reuben Beckles       11/26/2014           


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