Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Why so much talk about racisim and the great American dream-because of free labor and the money machine!

Why talk and no solutions concerning black slavery in America ? It's because of why and how America  became the power it is.  The Corporate structure known as America the beautiful has created much wealth for the Bloodsucking vampires of usury, greed, selfishness liars and thieves.  Free slave labor!  Black Judas sellouts hide out and pretend fighting discrimination, racists beliefs and actions while at the same time selling themselves and kind out to the highest bidders among the forces of white  supremacy in the political and religious forms of so-called Jewish Zionist and Christian Gentiles.  They are the real force behind White Supremacy holding their people down and in check.  Check the record.  There's no way Europe or  any other peoples or cultures could have kept Black folk down on the Land of the blacks known today as Africa, were it not for the help of the Africans themselves.  They were the Supreme heavy weights , world travelers.  They controlled it all.  They made it possible and are responsible for our condition in America today.  They know it, yet, they come here claiming the identity of black slaves calling this their paradise.  They come from the Caribbean-Belize-South America and the Continent from within and out of the Diaspora knowing the hell blacks have had to endure for just being Black!  Who do they think they're kidding...they want nothing to do with the so-call Black Slaves of America, preferring to live in denial  as business men, policemen, politicians, doctors and slave pimps, sissies, hustler's, punks in the pulpits talking  love and forgiveness in Jesus who had twelve disciples who fed, educated and showed the reality of the Divine Creator  for and in behalf, of a specific people among themselves. In the end they felt nothing!  Turned their backs and denied him!  These are the same folk who operate the money machine of corporate America!  Like the Banks they create nothing ... Talk a good game from the Continent and are laughed at when they go to Europe.  'Let's be for real,' the slaves here, put their lives on the line for what they believed would be Justice and freedom in the Sixties. Their actions was turned into a stone nightmare by these agent-provocateurs,  hope to die scum bags, thinking they could get away by pointing the finger at white Supremacy whom they support hating themselves, while at the same time making it possible to create what is now known as free democratic Black States on the Continent.  These states were (made free) by White European Countries who had raped, beaten, lied too and slaughtered Millions of Blacks on the Land and high seas because knowledgeable Blacks wouldn't and didn't stand on their posts but joined the bloodsucking  Vampires to gain wealth and favoritism!  Now they find they must deal with the foundation of Black folk saying to hell with this insanity, enough is enough ! We must and shall be free!  Up pops the punks, sissies, hustlers as Politicians controlling the slave states.  Why are they not free? because they must return to the same folk and beg for assistance and know how, to build states from those who put them and their kind in bondage. What they didn't understand... they're still in bondage for financial aide and equipment, being a part of the United Nations which is controlled by the vampires of the (IMF) who want the people dead and the resources of the Land!  So, like here, they are given...Islam-Judaism-Christianity in the form of Politics and controlled Slavery which is  the money machine of the International Banker's! Think this is all talk, fun and games'...  Check Mobutu -one of the wealthiest  Black men in the world and his dealings with the Belgium a European country. Nelson Mandela, Union of South Africa.  His wife and Black folk took the hell for real freedom-laying the foundation for his return and release from prison.  He walks out of prison to become head of the country and gave it up to White folk for what he called reconciliation!  In this country under Elijah Muhammad, the 'Nation was funded by White folk he called,' the Devil (JL Hunt). After his death, the reigns were turned over to Min. Farrakhan and he gave Black over too  Scientology! More devils!... Dr King, Jessie Jackson, nine and half houses of Israel gave the land and people out too some bloodsucking vampires called Jewish Israelis) which they aren't  and know they're nothing more than Satanic demons!...  IMF Bankers and thieves! So where does that leave Negroes claiming to be free and Black?  (Oop! with Black History Month, in denial, pretending to be free in the money tree!  What does Curtis Mayfield say" If there's a Hell below-we're all gon na' go!  Yours truly, Reuben, from the King's Highway(C) 2/18/2015   Freedom is not free...a leopard never changes it's spots and a garbage eating pig is still pork!  Reuben seed of Jacob Sun son of Simeon -Prophecy  in faith is real...Reparations-Restitution and Land is no Joke!            Reuben Beckles


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