Pimp's Hustler's sissie's In Pulpit-talk freedom pretending Black-Same as Mandela and other's on continent selling the land and people out for power and greed!
The game playing in the name of Black History month is once again upon us as they walk and talk the streets of shame in America pointing their finger's at what they said is the white power structure-while they are being paid as Agent-provocateurs -pimps, sissies punks, Judas sellouts kissing the balls of White Eastern European Zionist Jewish money changers! These pretending Black wannabes are the reason for continue slavery...the new Black called Orange-brown-yellow and Mulattoes all have a common interest...promote White Supremacy and destroy Black-meaning Spiritual Black Power...God in Prophecy! They use Black women against themselves to get rid of the men sell the children out to the system that the Black Man knows is not his-he goes to war in a distant land-kills and destroys people and cultures for this demonic system-while others steal lie sell dope to kill the minds of the unsuspecting, ending with a lot of folk behind bars-in Jail! Watch your so-called leaders ...these low down dirty sissies and punks have the gall to get in the pulpit and talk about love unconditional to the woman folk-your families yearning to be free while they and others denounce Reparations-Restitution and Land out of this system and land -black to your continent as solution that you're entitled too in real meaning full freedom! If the truth be told this was and is the true and real meaning behind the action of black power in the sixties...not this sham of integration and phony brotherhood in equality mouthed today! This is why Elijah Muhammad said their would be no Islam when he was gone! Dr. King through the church and the Nine and a half tribes of Israel told the world to leave those Bloodsucking vampires calling themselves Jews alone. It's because he and they sold their souls and spirits out to Satan leaving them with no connection to the real prophecy in the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is why the Civil Rights Movement became a sham-Money men like the so-call Zionist Jews and Mulattoes became this Negro's God in chaos! These are the so-called black pretender's today...sucking , jiving, pushing same sex marriage, stealing spoken and copy righted materials trying to claim black man's birthright, anything to make a dollar! Now take note...many a good man and woman lost their way and life because of their insane deception and they will pay in more than one way-they can no longer hide the truth. Look for these lying hypocrite's to tell you we're all the same-God is dead! You might asked what part did I personally play in all this madness! I lived through the turmoil by putting my body life-spirit and soul on the line-loss family so-called friends charged with crimes I never committed- landed in jail-and hospital told I was insane because I wouldn't accept their white woman and money-none of which would hold up in court and I walked out a free Man. I walked with Dr. King only to find he wasn't for real in the spirit of real justice and freedom. Worked for a Black Newspaper only to find, he one of my mentors, was part of the game and the money chain who used the knowledge of myself and kind to further his claim to fame like so many others. In my case I did what he and many others didn't believe I could or would do ...keep my mind and spirit intact with my God... meaning, he and other pretenders were apart of the spiritual sellout on the continent -land of the blacks which brought many black enslaved folk to these shores. By faith yours truly left him went into a mode of spiritual journey entering the door of life, defeated black Greek Sorority sisters who said Reuben was nothing along with the Mulattoes in Isis who wanted my Spirit death and birthright- They found out there is indeed a Hell below along with the phony State of Israel-(1968) Jacob, Black Israel was made secure! This is why Blacks come to America-from the Caribbean-Belize-Africa Middle East making money selling out the land and culture that gave them life-not understanding they like the Latinos-Chinese White folk-Black Judas sellouts Mulattoes are all now perpetuating what they hope will be Black continued enslavement for the benefit of financial gain. They all like the Pimps- Punks and sissies of the pulpit must pay to the black slaves who built the foundation of this nation and were never paid and are owed . You gave Reuben up who is the King and lives in Black for self and kind in Black...My Spirit Soul Land and Truth in the faith as seed of Jacob is alive and well. God is alive and Black is Beautiful. No trick and no game! Reparations Restitution and Land. I'm There-Spirit's There. The Truth and Land is There! I don't covet what's yours don't try and steal what's mine or you will pay a heavy price! (@) Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun Son of Simeon!...2/8/2015 Reuben Beckles
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