What Does Spiritual Black Rapture mean to Black folk here and around the world?
Black Rapture means no game no tricks and no lies ! It means Justice relative to prophecy is alive and coming into focus reality for believers and faithful in value and substance. It means White and Black folk as Satanic Lucifer Imps must and will be made to understand they wanted to be the dominant force on the planet and will be made too pay for the hell and chaos they have spread on the planet and in the Universe! This will not exclude Red -Browns and Yellows who along with others think they are above Blacks and delight in treating them as subhuman- animals. They will tell you they're not Black but White knowing this color thing is real and they obtained real benefits acting to justify their new found status with Blacks always on the bottom receiving the worst of worst! The reason for so much denial here in America, as it spreads around the world is that America is the essence of white Supremacy that has been challenged by Divine intervention and Black power! Pulling the covers off White domination in this policy making, free enterprise system, do what you will to destroy, make money in the name of Human Rights and freedom-for White Folk! They use Military might- Legal Law terms to distort truth-politics and Education to formulate policy in the name of discovery and Religion to keep you blind relative to the hereafter in identity theft. Take note- these folk can't solve the racial problem which is the Slave problem-which is the color problem combine in White Supremacy! How are they going to admit their wrongs and give Justice to a group of Black folk in the form of Land Reparations and Restitution when they don't see you as human equal to them...especially as the Black Judas sellouts go about their business of re-enforcing the insane madness Blacks have had to endure in the name of brotherly love! So...their must be and is a meaningful way to bring Justice where for all practical purposes there is none( Divine Intervention)! The people whom have received Justice in the form of Restitution and Reparations are those who submit to White domination and superiority. Black Power will never concede to this insane madness ! To do this... is to suggest that Prophecy, God and Justice is nothing but talk! That there is no Conspiracy, no reaping what you've sown, above all...no Karma! Free Enterprise? Those who control this corporation called the United States along with their relations in Europe know truth even though they live in denial. The family's and money cartels in Belgium France-Spain-Russia England-Vatican-Portugal and other forces across Europe have all had their part to play in the destruction of Blacks here and around the world of White Superior madness aided by Black Judas sellouts who have taken the money-now living in Europe! This accounts for one of the only free Black Republics in the Western hemisphere being so poor (Hattie)-French speaking run by Creoles and Mulatto's and their off spring is Louisiana, where Blacks are hated and despised! Blacks thought they would be accepted by submitting to every thought and whim of the Caucasian Christians and Zionist Jews in the name of Jewish religion only to find they're mere puppets-mercenaries for hire! So what does the Spiritual Black Rapture Mean ? Divine Intervention-Black Israel and Faith in Real Prophecy of Jacob-Abraham and Isaac...Reuben Gad and Half Tribe of Manasseh-Moses Christ-value self governing Land !...Kings Highway and the Door of Life! Dethroning of Isis relative to those bloodsucking vampires in the pretentious state of Israel and there defeat in "The One Day War " 1968 set up by the United Nations with the help of Egypt-Vatican-Ethiopia and the United States-all coveting the Lands beyond the fertile crescent which includes China! Greed, selfishness pretense lies and lust won't fly in the face of wisdom Justice and Black Truth! Black Power and Divine intervention is not a play thing! On my Spiritual Journey I was shone Nations of the world surrounded by Mountains of Lava pits exploding-skies rivers and streams covered in Black Ash warriors covering the face of the deep and in the air at one another's throats-no place to run -no place to hide. Denying Justice to the innocence will not go unpunished and talk about love unconditional I don't know what that is in Justice and Karma! Prophecy Is ...the I Am That I Am! (C) 12/16/2014 Reuben-seed Of Jacob -Sun son of Simeon Love of God Self and Kind Just as White folk live and breathe for while folk! Reuben Beckles
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