Let's move on and with Black History Month-365 days in the year-Children play games-Men Stand for what's real and True! Black Power!
There's a lot to be said for a people on time in time. The people I refer to are Black folk living in America as Slaves on the plantation pretending they're free being held on the bottom of this land of so-called freedom by the nations of the world and their blood sucking imps whose God is lies-usury and money! Sitting at the head of the table representing White Supremacy and Black destruction are your Black Judas sellouts who want to be White so bad they jump through a mountain of Pig dung to get to the White woman kiss her Man's behind and disarm Black folk for the benefit of White folk. Create tension and chaos instead of bring forth real solutions in land and separation-reparations and restitution they throw rocks of discord then hide their hands never approaching real solutions. They talk things are improving, getting better as we see a woman being beaten unmercifully on the freeway-young men and boy's being shot down like animals for looking in a so-called provocative manner. No action for Justice emerges as the wannabe leaders take to the air waves from the White House to the Pulpits across the land and cry for peace and claim to let Justice in White Supremacy solve the situation. The head niggers -Negro's in charge are what I call Black Judas sellout's Mulattoes, Creoles, Octoroon's, Caucasian Orange wannabes Blacks. Their sole purpose is to create an atmosphere for the destruction of Black folk who represent the foundation and building of America-this is their real intent! This is why you have people of the US organization( Dr Maulana Karenga in Black studies telling Black folk he created Kwanzaa. Truth is, he created nothing. Kwanzaa has been on the Land of the Blacks long before he was born! But like so many others he take credit where credit isn't due. What is true, his organizations like the Muslims are Mulattoes fighting Black Men to take their Spirit and live their Birthrights. They do it by using the knowledge of Egypt and Isis in the name of Black and pointing the finger at White. You ask how do I know? I was married to Isis as one of my two marriages and I didn't know it until it was time for me to grow up and found that she had joined forces with White Zionist-Money men called Jews. She was taught by the Mulattoes called Le'gon -owner of a Black Book store here in Los Angeles, California. When it was time for Mulattoes- Whites and others to destroy Blacks she made her move after the Greek Black sorority's sisters denounced Black Men and moved into the camp of White Supreme power and Colored Mulattoes by using her Sex-The Book of the Dead, meta physical spiritual knowledge and the 'Tarot Cards" to take the Black Man's Spirit. She and other's failed! she and they created a Bonefied War and they know it which is why White Israel failed and I ran her into hell! This too is the real meaning behind what France's Cress Welsing calls her "Isis papers" at the same time pushing her friend and mentor 'Neely Fuller" whose suggests as a Mulattoes, Blacks are inferior to whites which tells me they're both working as low down dirty sellouts to the White Zionists just like Nelson Mandela of South Africa! Let's move into the Nation Of Islam and Louis Farrakhan and the Million Man march. This Mulattoes from the Caribbean has been all over the world talking, claiming Black, looking for a home,even into Ethiopia, looking for the Ark of the Covenant only to come away empty handed. They saw through him. He returned to America had his million Man march-they talked -he walked away with a pocket full of money and did nothing. Leaving the slaves with nothing! My point is, like a Tsunami, when Isis tried to take my Spirit, God said it's time to move and I rose from the bottom(The Feet) as a warrior to defeat Isis and the State of White Israel in the Rapture and the Kings highway! An action under Divine Authority in the Twelfth House by Faith. After doing so, Minister Louis Farrakhan had the gall to ask the Divine creator this question? " Who Ever Heard Of The Feet Leading The Head?" I responded to the Final Call "Who created you?...God chooses whom he pleases and I Reuben walked the Highway and entered the door and land beyond the fertile crescent. Sat on the throne. Where were you? I didn't place myself there. That which you covet is not yours! So I say again I say, do not look to the pulpit of Sissies -Hustlers pimps and punks-slavery is over and these folk represent continued deception and slavery and I wouldn't care if my Mother-Father-Brothers Sisters or members of my personal family were involved in this madness of sustain slavery and insanity they would have to go too and would be entitled to nothing of value because they would be unwilling to die to live for the truth! This then...is the essence of my Black power as the seed of Jacob-Sun son of Simeon in Faith (C) 2/11/2015 From the Kings Highway and Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob-Truth and Wisdom In Black Power! No lie-No game -No Trick! " Reuben Beckles
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