In Black power! Love to Love-Spirit to Spirit Soul to Soul Truth to Truth(God Is The I Am!)
To those who read my twitters and blogger I can assure you I do not speak folly or play games just to be heard. I write what I know and seen in action and not by Anonymous Proxy hiding out in someone's name . I paid a heavy price to be on this journey for personal Identification and freedom for self and kind! I didn't choose me for this job I was chosen for action that many were called for but ended in talk relative to divine prophecy. What was the action taken-first walking the streets and neighbor hoods to find and understand the problems created by cause and effect(Slavery). Study of History relative too the unseen, known only to the I Am! Second- curiosity and working for a Black Newspaper of Substance(Herald Dispatch Weekly in Los Angeles).I never pretended I knew something I didn't, knowing I was merely a student. I was a salesman and A GOOD ONE not understanding why I was being rebuffed on all fronts until my teacher said-"You're Reuben and Black from the Seed of Jacob-stick with me and I'll show you prophecy! If you don't do as I tell you they're coming after you! I laughed till I cried...only to find Mr Sanford Alexander, the Owner and Publisher wasn't playing. We drove the city and walked the streets. in and out of old book stores-government buildings and offices-all in relation to selling ads in a newspaper that wasn't wanted. Third, this created eye opening situations not seen by the naked eye and I was exposed to a whole new different world of people, situations relative to cause and effect-Slavery-Black Power and the so-called civil Rights movement. My only question was "why are we standing still -going for the dumb stuff?" Ans. It's not time...It's not Time! " All these thing are happening ...but it's not time. I'm feeling like a Stallion and we're being wiped out...but it's not time! Stick with me...I'll show you prophecy! Forth, I continue walking the streets trying to sell our product to make a living. It wasn't until President Kennedy was shout down in Texas when I was told to be in his office at seven the next morning-I was there at six- he was's time now. I was given an ancient scroll told to go home and read the Scriptures and given instructions to follow. I covered Los Angeles and out laying areas. Watts blew up In flames! During my travels I was shadowed by some weird looking characters along with the police. Sometime later while selling some products I was stopped by La finest told I was speeding which was a lie-went to court and I refused to pay. I was thrown in jail and beaten beyond all moral belief in the down town dungeon left to die on concrete floor in solitary confinement naked. Truth is I didn't die. Few weeks later I was in court convicted; charged with fighting the police while handcuffed in jail-six months later went back to court and was released too find my family was no more! But, I found I was on a mission. I was picked up six months later put in jail for one year. The charge; failure to provide for my family. Then came a marriage lasting six months. Using sex, the tarot card and "The Book Of The Dead" she tried to take my spirit and failed which was the defeat of Isis! Walking the Kings Highway entering the door of life I crossed the Jordan into the Land of Reuben and sat on the throne culminating in the one day War of 1968" defeating the White blood sucking Vampires of so-called Israel saving millions of Black lives and souls across the planet who were to be wiped out by Black Judas sellouts and their Mulattoes imps-Red and Colored White folk having Blacks covered all over the world. Through our action, they too failed! This and more was done in the name of the I Am That I am- relative to prophecy. This is why so many are in denial and want nothing to do with (Solution-Separation Reparations, Restitution and Land that represent Sovereignty, over your head' under your feet and on both sides of a free people! Sometime later, another marriage took place. Two children were born and I helped to raise a third birthed by the same lady. Together, we sent out information to all Churches and Denominations-Final Call-Black and White Colleges, Universities, Politicians Activists, Nations and The President of these United States with reference to the Unpaid debt of Black Slavery, Restitution, Reparations and Land in action. We made a tape called Freedom Black Freedom! Cause and effect. Freedom on the on the table to one and all. Being in denial will not solve the current situation and Justice will exact a tremendous toll as prophecy in action is real-no Marches, Games and no Lies! (C) Reuben 6/17/2015...Seed of Jacob Sun son of Simeon- Faith and prophecy in Black Power- Abraham Isaac and Jacob...what say you in this hour and time of Active truth? Land not for sale! Talk won't get the job Done! Reuben Beckles
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