Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lest We Forget' as talk goes on with No Substancial Meaning or Purpose Other Than to Self destruct.

No Lie-Trick or Game 'Lest we Forget,' why we were brought here and remain in chaos on this land of Opportunity.  Opportunities for others, not for Black self and kind.  Yes, their are opportunities for Black faces from Africa, the Caribbean Central and South America-but these are  not the same folk as the Black Slaves and their descendants who slaved labor for free and made the foundation of this Nation the envy of the world.  These black faces of Negros and Colored opportunist are issue passports by the 'State Department' and told to have nothing to do with' Lazy Blacks' born in this System.  So, you see them parading around the Malls with gun on their sides watching you, protecting Whites and others goods  for sale with smiles on their faces,  chests extended out like a woman breasts. It's only after they're here for awhile when the reality of Black Slavery sets in, they and  their Children began going crazy. Before then the 'Lazy Black Slaves' could tell them nothing!  This holds true for Mexicans -Latinos-Chinese , Koreans , people from Vietnam-Philippinos  and all others who fall under the Mantel of (White Supremacy)!  After they're given the do's and don't about Blacks they're then given  an American dose of White Supremacy,  hit in the head with the shocker about the 'Lazy Black Slaves'.  They're the only folk who arrived on these shores against their Will'  in Chains and shackles- and remain in a State Of War' having a legal claim on and against the Government and it's People for Restitution and Reparations which includes them as new comers!   They find, they too, owe Black Slaves as part of the American Debt, standing on the backs of  non-Citizens as such, have no claim to this Land.  This is why many Indian Tribes told the Black Slaves they are no longer apart of their Sovereignty and the Indian Nations who have a treaty with the United States Government!   Blacks would do well to come out of this insane state of denial-crying and begging for Justice and integration-restoration of the 'Voting rights act'  -Commissions to Study' the Effects of Slavery' -using the 'Constitution to defend their illegal state of being as non Citizens trying to act like Citizens because you as Non Citizens Slaves, changed course in  the  middle of the Ocean as Warriors, fighting for real Freedom for self and kind- too wannabe  acceptance in a nation of Imposter's and demons!  What's new?  Blacks are still non acceptable slaves pretending Citizenship-as apart of Louis Farrakhan call for 'Ten Thousand Fearless Men' from a Christian Church- forgetting Elijah Mohammad before his death said:  There Would Be No more Islam-I don't Know What it would be-But it won't be Islam!"   It should come as no surprise, when he; 'Farrakhan' gave many of them in the Nation, to Sciencetology'. ' Lest We Forget'...Jim Jones and his love for all folk(Blacks Primarily)   They drank his Love portion...Men Women and Children and are now dead-dead- Dead!' White Israel-imposter's-Isis dethroned and the attempt to destroy all and everything Black here an around the world is no game!  Their failed attempt should bare witness to this truth.  From the Kings high way -Door of Life ' and the Aliyah-Rapture!  ...Beyond the Jordan into  Land of and House of Reuben  Seed of Jacob-Sun of Simeon-Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob  with no apologies.  Lest We Forget,'  demand and move on that which is yours ( The Continent) in faith and birth right....Spirit to Spirit-Love to Love Black to Black in Black Power!(C) 8/16/2015            No Game -Trick No Lies!           Reuben Beckles 


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