Why America-it's allies and Black Judas sellouts won't settle the problem of Black Slavery!
Plain and simple-Usury Selfishness and Greed relative to their financial institutions ! Think about free slave labor as a money making machine and the assets accumulated around the world in the name of White Supremacy dominance and the emergence of China as a Super Power -removing the American dollar and Reserve System from it's number one status in the Financial Markets around the world. In it's place would emerge (China's currency Reserve system-the Yuan). This will have a tremendous effect on American economic-political- legal-social and educational institutions. This in addition to America's Stock, Bonds Real estate, cash and other profit making assets. America's borrowing practices cannot continue without it's ability to pay, especially, sense America is no longer on the' Once hallowed Gold Standard!' What China doesn't realize is the unspoken debt they have incurred relative to America and Slavery- compounded interest at today's going rate-inflation included( Reparations-Restitution and Land....all valuable Assets. Black folk and their descendant's are here-the claim is here and the debt, will be paid, regardless to how the pie is cut and by whom. These are the folk who did not come to these shores freely and create all this wealth that has become the foundation of the worlds financial Institutions. Black folk, slave labor, humanity and spiritually is for real, on the line, in prophecy! They too, China, will be dealt with in a manner they think is not possible (but then. so did the Zionist Imposter's calling themselves Jews claiming the land mass of Black Israel) who were defeated in the " One Day War" in 1968) ! China, therefore, wants all the assets she thinks America processes, which includes the land beyond the Jordan! They too. are in for a big surprise as was Isis and the world along with there Black Judas sellouts! This is no game! To exchange one Slave master for another is insane but most folk are in denial claiming sleep, pretense and love unconditional in a dream! Facts and truth relative to my God in Prophecy is real -the I Am that I Am Supreme Lord Of The Living most High -From the Kings High way and the Door of Life" I Am Reuben ...Seed Of Jacob Sun-Son of Simeon In the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob! Black Power and Justice for Self and Kind! (C) 7/7/2015 Reuben Beckles
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