Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Satanic U.S.Goverment in tail Spin rejecting Truth And Divine Intervention opting for Thieves and Their Governing of Faith Based Religious Orders!

 The U.S. Government and their participation with Religious orders and Secret Societies across the board-have been able to maintain it's hold on unpaid Slavery of Black folk-relative to free Slave Labor because of what is known as "Faith Based Religion and the Non-Profit Buildings that gives them Status in the Black Communities  and Colleges around the Country.  This includes Greek and Masonic Orders that has a Spiritual Base that has gone rotten too it's core-so secret-it's no longer Secret.  This is why if you don't belong you're always asked 'What Church Do You Belong?  What Organization are you apart of or what's the name of your Rabbi or Minister?  If you replied none,  the conversation is cut short and you're left in  isolation wondering 'What's the problem?'    You want answers but none is forth coming if you're  living by faith-in truth!  This truth, is what's causing the down fall of America, and Nations around the world.  You're given crumbs hoping that by doing so the Non Citizens Black slaves will accept these Bloodsucking vampires as Brothers giving the phonies time to prolong their demise and you will fall into the pit of  doom with them!  This why the push for integration and no solution!  Talk with more talk-no solutions. Million Man Marches going nowhere but to more conventions while the streets and alley's are filled with Veterans and the Homeless in association with everything and every one-that has nothing to do with Prophecy and real Black freedom-Restitution-Reparations and Land!  You're told 'Stand up for your self and families' while the Policy makers are paid to destroy you and your families through Schools-Faith Based Churches-participation in Wars not of your own design or making as you take an oath to up hold a Constitution not designed for you  but a Constitution you swore to up hold on a land that's not yours-on a land that's killing you daily ! Even the Religions you join in the language you speak you don't understand as you live for everyone other than yourselves and kind believing this Culture is yours until you wake up to the reality in another Religion being wiped out- shot down in the name of that same religion-by the person calling you Brother! These things and others of a detriment to Black folk across the broad continue to take it's toll because you're living in denial and refuse to give Credit where it's due-and admit the root cause of the real problem is the foundation of Slavery! Also, the Solution came in the Sixties ending Slavery. Jacobs Seed,  the Land and House of Reuben came through in the Rapture- Watts was a defining moment in the awaking and uplifting truth for Black folk!'  The Kings Highway was found and walked by a true Hebrew from the House of Israel(Reuben) crossing over the Jordan which  the Nations of the world were trying to claim couldn't -didn't!   But Black...Reuben did! ...destroying Isis and the phony Jews(Caucasians) pretending to be Israelites (Satan and Black Judas sellouts...supported by the U.S. Government and many countries throughout the world!  You say no ( Because you're in denial and on the take-knowing  to travel the real Highway you will and must pay a price! Freedom and Justice in Prophecy is not just is real in Action! Soul to Soul-Spirit to Spirit- Love to Love of the I Am That I Am...Truth In Black Power and Faith.  Reuben Seed of Jacob-Sun Of Simeon(C) 9/21/2015                   Reuben Beckles


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