Conspiracy to commit God Killing and Destroy Truth And Black-Lot to be said -Short period of Time!
Been gone for awhile taking care of personal business, no matter let's, get on with the truth! The real meaning of the Aliyah-Rapture and the door of life is that the God of the Most high is alive-no game no lie no trick or yours truly wouldn't be here today. These imposter's Black-White Judas sellouts, Blood Sucking Vampires know it but don't want the world to know. Nonetheless, it's real and these monsters can't hide! You think because they come from Belize, Caribbean or the Black Continent and live in these United States that we're all the same because we tend to look alike that we have the same values having the same interest at heart, but we don't! They come here for the most part as Caucasians( White) under the protect of the Common Wealth of Nations. They want nothing to do with Black-they're here to make Money...whether in the church, politics, law it doesn't matter. They do not and can't lay claim to the foundation of Slavery and free slave labor. They could care less that the Blacks here are the only folk who didn't arrive here of their own free will and the only ones who can claim Restitution Reparation and Land relative to Prophecy and Slavery into the Lands and House of Black Israel as Jacob Seed! Truth and fact is what it is during the Sixties we fought and claimed it! This is the meaning of Reuben's cross over the Jordan into the Land-traveling the Kings Highway ...the Defeat of Isis ...along with the destruction of the White State of so-called Israel and a people that don't belong in that part of the world. They are Sephardi-Askenazism and European Zionist not Black Hebrew Israelites of Scripture and Bible Prophecy! This why so many Caucasians Whites are running out of Africa and the middle East-why so many So-called Blacks are coming to America, to uphold the fortunes of White Supremacy while trying to take over the birthright of Jacobs seed living in America as we claim Justice relative to land reparations and Prophecy! (Restitution)! "Lest we Forget! The Supreme Lord of the Living Most High is God-So that when you see the 'Loss of A Landmark' in Baltimore being destroyed and demolished by the land owners who called their church "Freedom House" it's because they don't want their involvement in slavery in the Civil Rights Movement known! Know this, these are part of the same folk as African Methodist Episcopal Church who were strongly involved in the slave movement against Blacks along with the Moor-Arabs that Chancellor Williams wrote about-not leaving out Esau and Ishmael- Creoles and Mulattoes! Even to this very day, you have Black Judas Sellouts all over the place selling out the people and land for little of nothing to get to this land of money making schemer's with no values. They use Black but feel nothing for Black. Yes, Black is Beautiful and valuable! Not to them be it Male or Female! ...So, should you have business with the Government on any level or Hospital beware of the printed word and the people in front of you who will change your Race and Ethnicity from Black-African American to White Caucasian, smile in your face feeling nothing...knowing you and your Ancestors in prophecy are at stake and you will have no future-no life or Identity! ...No Faith! All is well- God Is! From the Door of Life I Am...Reuben Seed of Jacob-Sun Son of Simeon...from the Kings High Way an truth of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (C) 11/18/2015 Love Truth and Justice to Self and Kind! Reuben Beckles
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