Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The New Year/ Question-Relative to Slavery And the Debt of Free Labor/Who Are You?

The above title seams simple until you look yourself in the mirror and question the actions in your life and the people around you?  Personally, I've always felt good about myself and never questioned it-until now!  From within and without...A Man, family Man!  Responsible and always curious. So when I say truth and personal observation I'm coming at you as a Man-Black Man in Prophecy relative to the Hebrew Nation of Israel-from the Twelfth House and Land of the same name beyond the Fertile Crescent-Seed of Jacob-Man Sun-Son of Simeon-in the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob-Behold The Son...he who grew up by the water!  Why do I take this approach ?  Because of the lies and deceit-bald face hypocrisy that surrounds us night and day. Tells us we're all the same-all is well.  Then I say, all who? Why the chaos?  Why the insane condition of certain peoples and not others?  Why do some have so much and others nothing?  I come from a Black family of nine.  When my Father and brother died I was inform by this system they were 'Caucasian!'  Knowing better I had to raise hell to set the record straight.  My first marriage produced five children. My second (Isis...none.)  My third two daughters and a foster Son.  Slavery, cause and effect along  with the dissolution of my marriage turned my life around causing hatred, jealousy and envy!  I ended up in jail for non-support and abandonment.  Not belonging to any organization I had no idea as to their effect on people like myself ...Churches, Mosques, Synagogue's Secret Societies like Masons-Shriner's and the like. In silence,  revelations came while in jail and working for a Black newspaper in action.  My services was never given to any organization in action or other wise in defense of this land or nation, yet, I understood and understand the 'Conspiracy to Commit God Killing and Prophecy using People as cannon fodder. ISIS -Identity theft and the Name of Jesus and Islam along with the Greek Sororities and fraternal orders because my first wife was apart of them as was my Twin Brother under Elijah Mohammad.  They all had knowledge of and about me that was never shared with me and to my surprise while in Jail  both my Twin Sons ended up in the arm forces of these United States. One in the Navy and one in the Army!  Now think about this...I never entered the Armed Forces, but my Sons entered using my First( God Given Name...REUBEN) !  When I spoke to them about this because I hadn't seen them as their mother would hide them when I tried to visiting them not knowing the game was to have them placed under the authority of White Supremacy  and lead them into the Land of their Father Cross the Jordan!  It all failed!  Now the world is engaged in a War they will never win as my Land and people are not for sale and slavery is over! Who are you?  You laugh, say this 'dude is weird'!  But the question remains,' what has Slavery done to you...Who Are you?'  (C) 1/5/2016   Reuben Seed of Jacob  Man Sun Son of Simeon   Stay well-love self and kind!  From the Kings High way and Door of Life.  This is a Divine Spiritual War-it's not a Game -it's not a's no Trick!  The 'One Day War Of (1968) was real-  The Defeat of White Supremacy Israel and Isis trying to take our spirit and Soul Was real trying to promote the 'Book of the dead!'  The Kings High Way and demands of Reparations Restitution and Land for Black Slaves in America with Compounded Interest' is real as is the' Supreme Lord of the living Most God!  Watts was real! The Satanic Forces of Esau, can never have Jacobs birthright. Black Judas Sellouts in sheep's clothing from Europe forever lost in their lying sink holes in the Middle East are through and can no longer say("things are getting better- we're all brothers!)    Recuse yourselves from the planet and the Universe!!  You have lost this war!'      Reuben Beckles


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