New year has come-big changes in the making-relative to truth and unpaid debt of Black Slavery!
The beginning or end for those gone astray pretending Independence and Freedom in this time and year of (January 2016)...Big Ben Carson-out! Pretending and lying to White electoral White folk was never going to hit the mark-after all they've got a supreme wannabe' in the White House to keep the Status of Negroes in their place as Black folk going nowhere but hell with their eyes wide open-Educated and looking for a Job! So-called Black communities across the land have been totally integrated for all practical purposes as white folk and their bankers from around the world supply Black Slaves every need in business-finance -education-religion-military-government-sports and entertainment ...all with Reparations money and thought because no Land is wanted for Black self, governed by those leading the flock, as leaders. Their role is to maintain Slavery! Little did they know and understand that a Leopard doesn't change it's spot and a Devil is still a Devil. Time relative to Prophecy and the end of Slavery is over! Even the Devil is no fool knowing he can't continue the lies, deceit and game playing going for ever as he and Satan attempts to clean his house of his right hand buddies...Black Judas sellouts and these lying So-called Jewish Imposter's by using the Roman Catholic Church-Ethiopia the creators of Egypt, Christianity and Islam. Using the format of the entertainment world, Hollywood is leading the way by selling its top money making (Black Judas sellouts) to the Wolves who took the money giving up the real knowledge of freedom and Black Truth, knowing this was not our land and Culture knowing we came to these shores in chains and shackles.( All for fame, money, sex and drugs... right across the board they sold the Truth and Black Nation out!...With Bill Cosby leading the pack! If you think Hollywood is something consider why so many Black Men are not in the homes where they have Fathered so many children. Homes, where females are claiming to be head of household. What Man or Men is she receiving knowledge and information from? Lawyers and those within the jaws of secret societies-churches and the court system-make it possible. They represent the Man, telling them..."leave the Man-get him out of the home and we'll help you!" Across the country look at the end result -no men- but babies'. No men-Jails are full!... 'Wars being created-Black men fighting and dying. Homeless, for whom and what?' The politicians and educators talk Reparations in the form of money and the distribution to their pockets like the "Good Rev. Nowadays" without a hint about the land from where we were taken nor any mention of those among us who helped these bloodsucking vampires facilitate our present condition knowing it isn't the money-that's truly important, but, the Land and identity! Today, there is a war going on in the name of (Isl-Isis) whom your truly knows as do those who are in the position of power calling the shots, know... Isis and her 'Book of the dead' was dethroned along with her position within the Taro Cards." So who are the Nations fighting and for what? They're fighting a loosing battle- 'Prophecy and the Black Man's Lands and peoples. The Lands and Identity as Caucasian nomads is wanted by them to claim what's not theirs plain and simple (White Supremacy... Black destruction! In short they're trying to enter the rear of Syria and gain entry into the Lands call (Israel of Scripture-in Black). This is why so many Caucasians are leaving in that part of the world which includes Africa-Land of the Blacks). Just as these White imposter's failed in their quest in the "One Day War of 1968 along with Isis, America and her allies are fighting for acceptance and domination but will fail as imposter's on this front. You're looking at real freedom of Black Slaves...real Reparations-Restitution and Land!...Not this pretense of integration in America-because Black faces are entering this country from that part of the world! No Trick! Black Lies! Black Power! Stay Well, Love Self and Kind. From the Kings High way! (C) Reuben, Seed of Jacob. Man, Sun Son Of Simeon 1/2/2016 In the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob... In the Spirit of the Living Most High God. Take that to your Bank, With Compounded Interest. The Aliyah and Rapture is real-no Joke! Justice or there will be nothing left for these lying hypocritical bloodsucking vampire Impostors! Elephant is heavy and a Devil is still a Devil! Reuben Beckles
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