Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Why all the confusion and chaos around the U.S. relative to Black Folk and their Pastors who have become political in the Jaws of SATAN !

Meeting behind close doors with Donald Trump as the Main attraction should come as no surprise to any aware person of substance and value.  Such is the way of these money hungry political animals who pretend Spiritual and Divine insight who talk while the flock in slavery, pay big bucks to be deceived, misused -played and tricked by over worked demons and vampires pretending safe haven in the Book of Spiritual truths and prophecy!  These money hungry thugs have become so physically wealthy  that they think and see themselves as Gods who can do whatever they want at the expense of the ignorant and want to be believers!  If you listen closely-every body and his brother is a Minister of God!  These clowns will tell you we are all the same equal in the eye's of God-Jesus Loves You and Died for us all!  Watch and bare witness as the Latinos and Mexicans who are jealous of and hate Blacks and for the most part have joined forces with these Bloodthirsty Zionist of Europe-flood your communities with their presents using your sons and daughters as mules for Drug trafficking and the drug Cartels.  Your Sons and  Daughters get caught, do time! The true guilty party, walks free. Now we have Mexican Congregations preforming a coup to take over black religious houses singing praises they claim to God in their Culture and language-sanction by Black Ministers whose flock look on being told by the Ministers , We're all Brothers while the Ministers  pockets are made full from dope money and the drug Cartels.  They could care less about Black folk.  These thug, money hungry Ministers who work not for the God of Abraham-Isaac or Jacob or even Christ,  who told them to' pick up their Cross and follow him.'  Not to trick lie and steal. Watch as their congregations become more integrated so that when White Politicians and Black Judas sellouts have a problem with some terrorist over seas-they claim we need you the help  on the War front' these Negro so-called Black folk along with the Ministers don't hesitate-they take an oath to a Constitution that's not for them get in a uniform-pick up a gun go over seas and help destroy Cultures and blow some folk up all in the name of Jesus the Christ and the greatest Country in the world' The U.S. yet, do nothing as some young Girls were blown up in the Church.  Nine people were shot down in the church and before the young scumbag was even brought to trial the black families were telling the judge 'they love and forgive this monster! This to my mind is the highest form of insanity showing' we are all not the same-Black nor White!' In Baltimore, A Black Methodist Episcopal African Church was sold from under Black folk claiming they were unaware of the sale by the pastor! ...whose kidding whom?  Satan is demanding money minds and Spirits from these Ministers who are running scared and they have no place to hide.  Hence, total confusion and chaos around the country.  telling me, Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon we're all one people, the same, they find no need for Reparations Restitution and Land-this is their Country their government !  This in the face of the only folk brought to this Country in chains and shackles against their will as Slaves. Built the foundation of the land with free Slave Labor as our Cultures and families were torn apart and today,we speak one language-made to hate one another for a White face and White Supremacy!  Separation and return to the land of Origin is the only way out of this insane mess. White and don't give a damn for your freedom and well being because in truth it's Spiritual and Divine-anything other than this, is folly!  This is what Ministers-Politicians-Lawyers World travelers along with Black Men and women in and out of secret societies don't want known because of their participation' the sellout in truth!  Nor do Creoles, Mulatose, Octoroons and Blacks who hate themselves. These same lying asses gave you a' Two Million man show' headed by Louis  Farrakhan which is nothing more than Dr King gave the people with his quarter Million before he was shown by God he led the people into a burning house- it was the Spirit of God that took him to the top of the Mountain and showed him the truth! Yours truly, showed them in action we got into the Door of Life -made our Rapture in the Aliyah by way of the Kings Highway-Dethroned Isis-exposed and beat the army of phony Caucasian So-Called Israel. Exposed the hypocrisy between Egypt and Ethiopia-their involvement  in the Vatican along with the unpaid debt owned to the Black Slaves of America-with compounded interest!-Donald Trump - Black Ministers and the deal that was made behind closed door cannot pay for this debt  and he Cannot take the U.S. into Israel -it's  not his to give!.. It does not belong to them!.'Lest we Forget'...Black is Beautiful-Israel and the land beyond the fertile  Crescent is Jacob-which is why Ben Carson made a sneak getaway into the middle east ,, but they won't tell you-instead they talk about refugee's.   From the Door of Life and the Kings Highway I am Reuben by Faith in Israel and God of the Supreme Living Most High-Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon(C) 12/1/2015   Soul to Soul-Spirit to Spirit Land ...God Is  Abraham Isaac and Jacob  Love in Black Power-No Game No Lie No Trick!   Love Self And Kind!         ...Reuben Beckles            


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