How's this for some insane madness? White Supremacy in Donald Trump-Trumps Ben Carson and so-called Black leaders and Ministers in the Church!
The secret meeting behind closed doors by Donald Trump and leaders of the Black churches across the nation shows us what a sorry bunch of whining pimps and Hustlers these so-called leaders have become accepting the country and white supremacy as their Gliding Lite and future! They are the same as their Politician Brother in the White House whose promotes and accepts same sex marriage and so-called gay rights--not truly understanding that these folk are motivated and controlled by atheist men hating Lesbians and Transgender want'nabes all wrapped up in Isis Taro cards and the Book Of The Dead who hate Male authority with a passion, who will smile in your face-take you to bed and take your spirit, rendering you helpless and feel nothing! rise to Homosexuality across the land and the great fight between the Male and Female-especially in many of the Black homes-which is why their are no Males as Father image-this also is true in other Cultures and people and the Catholic Church who are just not honest about revealing the truth as this Government and others run around the world blowing up folk telling the people they're fighting the New Terrorist' -Isis and the Islamic State. Orange is the New Black! This Is because they have been unable to destroy the Black Man and Prophecy, especially, here in America which was and is the true goal of 'White Supremacy. Black Judas Sellouts along with other Nationalities around the World want the Birthright of Jacobs Seed( The Black man!)...who fought them all knowing Slavery was over in the person of 'Reuben' from the Twelfth Tribe and House of Jacobs Israel through the Kings Highway and the Rapture dethroning Isis-defeating White so-called Israel and saved Black man around the world. This is why the Nations around the world are in total chaos-they were and are fighting the Spirit and Prophecy of the Most High God...and lost!...while Reuben in Action lives! Another point to be made is why Ben Carson left this country in the dead of night on a mission to Jordan' hoping to get into the Land I speak of-he failed! Came back with a report on the refuges camps made possible, they claim, fighting the Islamic Terrorist group called Isis (Really!) note...Ben Carson's rating fell almost to the bottom of the pack while Donald Trumps rating rose, supposedly because of the support given to Trump by the Black Clergy all in the face of Divine Royal Truth...they are all I big trouble as they are now trying to promote the Black woman as God!! good luck, she's being used as a pawn and is in many cases taking the role of Dethroned ISIS... going for the dumb stuff using spiritual witch craft and sorcery to carry out her will among unsuspecting boys and girls raising hell in many homes. All to defeat the Black man's fight for real independence and freedom in Restitution-Reparations and Land leaving her in and about White Supremacy and her attempt to destroy the Black Man! Leaving her and this nation is seen as a terrorist act by the Government and her along with the Mulattoes-Creoles-Moors and other White Want-nabes! Their hatred for Black is profound because they hate themselves and can't across into the promised lands told by Judas they could!(C) 12/2/2015. Truth in Faith "Lest We Forget" A leopard doesn't change it's spots-a Elephant is still heavy and a sorry Pig is Still Pork! The Devil is Still a Devil! From the Door of Life and the Kings Highway Mind to Mind the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High is Still God...Spirit to Spirit -Soul To Soul Black Love and Purpose is real and we're all not the same! Love yourselves and Kind! Reuben Seed Of Jacob-Sun Of Simeon Stay Well -By the way...A Zebra never changes it's Stripes! Israel! Reuben Beckles
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