Wisdom knowedge experience in action bringing 2015 too an end-Black Is Beautiful-No Game-Lies or Tricks-If it's not for You...tune out!
Let's break it down from the foundation of truth and go up and destroy these lying hypocrites pimps and hustlers who would wipe out all truth and righteous wisdom if they could. As a Hebrew...Black Man living in America I do not accept the term( African America as promoted by rev. Jessie Jackson and others who have made millions by this deceptive move to destroy and do away with the truth of Black folk within this Nation and our real foundation relative to Slavery and free slave labor-a debt not paid-but owed, with Compounded Interest-which is wrapped in the meaning and Divine Truth in the Book of Revelations, pointing out the Impostors of those claiming to be Jews. This was followed by the US Organization and one Mr. Ron Karanga who supposedly created Kwanzaa which has been around for thousands of years on the Continent Of Africa (Land of the Blacks) meaning he didn't Create a Damn thing! What he and others did was to take so-called Black Dollars away from the money making celebration of Christ and his birth to a money making scheme called Kwanzaa which begins after Christ-Mas! The African American replacing term Black was and is design for Black Judas sellouts coming here as (so-called Christians ) along with their conspiring White Slave Masters here and across the Atlantic. Esau Ishmael Arabs White Zionist from Russia and all over Europe involved with the Sanhedrin Council all had an agreement to do away with Blacks all over the world! The Original Created folk! Let us not forget the Genocide which was suppose to have been wiped out in South Africa, but still remains because of Nelson Mandela and his over all policy of inclusion) not Independence and Freedom. The real deal was and is(White Coloreds Creoles Yellows Reds Mulattoes Octoroons. More whites and Moors with Blacks on the Bottom! Today-all over the Continent wars are being fought based on Greed resources and Color with White Supremacy at the forefront! Many of these groups move out coming to America because they see Armageddon on the rise(in the hell they created) they are called Africans In America...replacing Black and the real foundation of America( Slavery and Free slave Labor, the Debt, rooted in Compounded Interest due to Blacks coming through their DNA and Ancestry which these other impostors can't claim! This is why Integration and Religion is pushed so hard across the land hoping Blacks will accept and forgive only to be wiped out which was the real depth and meaning of the Sixties. It was the House of Reuben as the Seed of Jacob In Black Israel that turned the tide of History in behalf of Blacks as the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God made His Sovereignty in the Spirit known! It was ISIS-Egypt and the Moors who claim to be White-not Black who were defeated in the process because they were raised by Ethiopia who had given the knowledge to the Vatican on how to defeat these once worlds powers over the earth. In turn it gave rise to the 'Sephardic Askenazism so-called Zionist Jews of Europe! ' Black Judas sellouts and Moors have been Bleaching and dying their skins for centuries hating themselves and the unseen Spiritual forces of God in Israel who were the same forces that Murdered Christ and known believers! Same forces that on a weekly basis fill the Money Plates of the Pimps and Hustlers in the pulpits in the name of Christ-and if you don't Submit in the Name of Religion ...(Islam) you loose your head!....as America, now claims to be fighting Isis. While the Ministers of so-called African American peoples in the Church and their leaders hold Secret Meetings supporting the money men like' Donald Trump'-Running scared because of Reuben's action by faith who defeated them and made them all accountable for the Chaos they created! Trying to steal the Land and Birthright in the Name of Blood thirty Lying pimps and sissies is a pathetic joke with no value and substance. If I Lie-come to me Straight up as I'm not running nor Hiding as a Leopard doesn't change it's spots-a Zebra it's stripes and a Pig is still Pork eating any and everything that's pure Garbage! From the Door of Life and the Kings Highway in Action...I am Reuben(C) 12/5/2015 Sun Of Simeon Seed of Jacob Faith in Prophecy Abraham Isaac and Jacob! Stay Well ..Love Self and Kind! "Lest We Forget" Truth Reuben Beckles
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