From the foundation of Critical Analysis and analytical Action In Black!
The problem and solution for the Nation called the United States of America and the world, from my perspective, is one and the same. Black Slavery-Black Solution! Black is indeed Beautiful...wise and giving. America as we know it today could never have existed without the envy jealousy, selfishness and greed of 'Free Black Slave Labor!' What other group of people can claim the action and deeds performed by the Slaves, giving the foundation and structure to this Land that has become a beacon of lite-riches and hope to so many from around the world? Black is truly Beautiful ! In arriving to these shores, on this land in chains and shackles-driven and pushed -worked like animals to achieve and make life better, not for themselves ...but for others. So great was blacks ability to perform for White Supremacists, known as Slave Masters, that today, the Slaves and their ancestors along with We, their Black descendants are ear marked for death and destruction by the very people who have benefited the most by our actions. Why? Profound jealousy, envy and greed! They have created a system of (White Supremacy indicating that no one else on the planet has done anything worthy of note but them and their kind! How insane is that in lite of historical development and knowledge? This Man and people have become so insane that they can put you to death for looking at his woman and go all over the world taking and having his way with every woman insight. Create Wars and situations where he blows up a lot of folk and Land, takes the resources to suit the needs of his people and culture in the name of Democracy and Freedom. He has been successful in many Black Lands past and present because of Greedy Black Judas sellouts whom he uses as puppets. He uses his woman as harlots to keep weak minded black males in line while at the same time blowing up black females minds as superior to a point where she will destroy her Man and family to support (White Supremacy!) Neither of them recognize or see what the Foundation is doing to preserve the Love and dignity of Black self and kind...indeed, Black is Beautiful and Black Power is real in Action moving from the insanity of poverty in Watts to the Foundation of the Kings High Way and into the Prophecy and Wisdom of Israel and Jacob! This while the forces of Esau and Black Judas sellouts were moving their satanic forces and energy to aid the forces of White Supremacy through the Civil Rights movement-Church, Educational and Political Institutions. These are the same forces among Black folk who Sold Black Knowledge and intent to the Kennedy family, allowing the Presidents Brother Bobby, to go to South Africa and challenge the South African Government by asking the "Question-what if we come to a certain point in time and find out' That God is Black?'...Oops! he and his Brother were killed-which was known by Mr Sanford Alexander of the Herald Dispatch newspaper in Los Angeles! Also the same folk that set up the late Dr King Jr. A religious set-up that led the flock into this burning house!... why that movement took the turn for Jobs, no Land or real freedom from these monsters knowing a Devil never changes! That whole movement was and is tied to Islam and the Catholic Church of Jesuits who are Adept at creating havoc and chaos ! Check the Mulatto's, Creole Octoroon Colored White Men Sons and Daughters tied to the Sephardi Ashkenazim Zionists so-called Jews who are tied to the Mexican 'Treaty Of Guadalupe Hildago who sold their own people out for thirty too fifty million dollars in Gold and silver. They don't want Blacks to Separate and leave these shores knowing they would end up with nothing! To make matters worst the Black so-call leaders of the 'Black Continent' are now selling the land and people out to other Nations for Reparations Money owed to Black Slaves here in America, 'for unpaid free slave labor and atrocities'. They to will fall to the hell of divine Karma! Black is Beautiful and Black Power Is... What It Is!...No Lie game or Tricks! The dethroning of ISIS and the destruction of White bloodsucking phonies of White so-called Israel and the 'One Day War of 1968' is just apart of what's coming letting the world know that we affirm 'Prophecy is alive and well.' action! That all Blacks are not asleep and will act when least expected for God self and kind! Our Birthright and Land is not for sale at any price! We live, move and act by faith in God of the Living Most High Self and Kind. (C) From Black Power and the Foundation of Reuben and the Twelfth House of Black Israel across the River Jordan in the Faith of the Rapture and Aliyah. Seed of Jacob ...Sun Son Man of Simeon. Stay well-Love self and Kind. Black is Beautiful! Black Power! 1/12/2016
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