Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Black is Beautiful-Black power-Prophecy-Israel and Slavery relative to Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God!

All is well with self-I hope the same is well with you as we do some critical Analysis of world finances and Economics and what is owed to Black Slaves  in  America and our descendants for free slave labor and unmentionable atrocities! The name of the game on the world stage from those whom have benefited the most from Slavery and the Black debt is to over look-deny smile and pretend everything is under their control while European Nations Economies are stagnant dependence on the American Dollar and economy which is collapsing .  The American dollar  is no longer backed by anything of substance like ' Gold and Silver' with a strong foundation.  It's just ' Green paper' floating around the world as  an unclothe Harlot. It's now a debtor nation.  This is truth.  Russia and China are moving away from the Dollar as a stabilizing force of currency.  They're buying and selling their products demanding and backed by Gold. What many of these other nations refuse or don't want to understand,  is that they too, have incurred the 'American Slave debt with Compounded Interest, at today's going rates.  This is the American and worlds night mare!  All countries around the world have been doing business with America using the American currency whose foundation is Not Gold and Silver but  'Black free slave labor! '  ...a Debt Which Is Due and owed by all of them.  This is where things get murky and funny.  The Caucasian so-called White Jews is based on the People of the Scripture  who were and are Black.  They have come on the World stage claiming to be someone they're not!  They're are Impostors from Europe! They needed a land mass for the Gold and silver they stole from America,  using the identity of Black as part of White Supremacy!  In America if the Slaves were taught to read -write and learn other knowledge which was stripped from them as part of the slave trade, then as a group, it was punishable, by death.  The 'White Supremest Caucasians' who had gotten their knowledge of the Black Hebrews during the Sanhedrin Council, where knowledge and Spirits were changed by these blood sucking vampires, they then  entered the Land of the Blacks and made it possible for themselves-Moors- Black Judas Sellouts and Europeans Jesuits within the Vatican in Rome to carry on one of the most Animalistic forms of Slavery known to Man!  Not only in Europe but mainly in America where these impostors are now claiming the Ancient Birthright of Jacob and his lean age, his seed... the Black Slaves in America.  Not Gentiles or Mongolians but Hebrew Israelites (Blacks). If you recall the Story of Jacob and tells us that the Birthright was Jacobs from the beginning.  Their had to be a Judgment, showing that Esau because of his Mothers act became the First Born.  He didn't respect the Father nor the Birthright and sold it for a mess of Stew!  Finding the truth after the (exchange sale which was Jacob's in the first place) he's been mad ever since!  Slavery was so evil and horrendous in America with this White and Black shield of insanity that White Caucasians from Europe masquerading as Black Jews from Historical Scriptures, bought many Black Spiritual Soul for Jobs and organizational know how, keeping them from under strict domination of the so-called' Civilized Christian Gentiles!'  This impostor was able to secure most of the land in what is known as 'Palestine-Canaan...Israel!'  Had these lying impostors as bloodsucking vampires Jews been successful in the 'One Day War 1968' along with the Dethroning of Isis-the Book of the dead and Taro Cards, there would be no more Blacks on the Planet Earth!  ....the Gentiles would be in worst  shape than they are now!  That War, represents the true end of Black Slavery, the emergent of the true Blacks Israelites relative to the 'Throne, Land and Twelfth  House of Reuben!...  In Prophecy. The Spiritual Rapture Aliyah ....all in Jacob and Prophecy!  The world is now coming to gripes with the' I Am That I Am -The Living Most High God!'  Egypt's President Adul Nasser before his death asked the Question of the world and his Countrymen.  ( How Could the Hebrews leave Our country Black and return White? "  Anwar Sadat' knew this truth and like Dr Martin Luther King Jr he gave in too people like Prime Minister Menachem  Begin  he  signed a peace Treaty giving in to a  (White Jewish impostor.)   The Catholic Jesuits...Spiritual sellouts of Ethiopia  were part of the Vatican.   What about those Black Clergy of the  SCLC and Black Boule{Money Men) and faith based organization known as Bishops, Ministers Deacons sitting on this powder keg?  Do they not know the truth?  This is the meaning behind Ex President 'Lyndon Johnson stepping down...why Ex  President Kennedy was shot and the world is in the present Financial Chaotic condition as the Slaves are demanding Land Reparations and Restitution!   The Black Slaves whom the world has used misused and ridiculed living in the Dog House as Pigs' with faith. Same as Jacob in his dealing with Esau as well as his Uncle. Leaving Jacob and his people  very wealthy people after the separation.  The hypocrites during the time of Christ were all non-believer's, yet, they woke one morning to fine there was 'No Rock-No Body and no Spirit! Revelations tells us, you're wealthy but you talk, around, over and about truth, acting on nothing of value.  No lie trick and no game!  Soul to Soul-Spirit to Spirit-love self and kind ...the devil is still a devil and a Leopard doesn't change it's spots (C) 1/22/2016    Reuben  Seed of Jacob Man- Sun, Son of Simeon.   In the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Black Power!  Black is Truth and Beautiful!  Stay well .                      Reuben Beckles


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