Black Introspection-Male and Females thinking they would be Accepted only to fine-The Devil Is Still A Devil-Today you're mad with Nothing!
Trouble in hell-you didn't accept or respect what you had, so now you use terms like 'Back in the Day' we had this, we had that, we have arrived, selling ourselves and families out to the Devil for recognition and a job building the slave plantation, hating yourselves wanting to be White-Creoles, Mulattoes, Octoroons, quadroon's...anything but Black and Beautiful! The females accepted the roles of raising other Nationalities children abandoning her own selling them out Spiritually then laying the blame at the feet of the Male! The Black Male Judas used his wisdom and knowledge to fight and die for a monster lying devil leaving their families in a system on land that's not theirs among demons, that hate them trying to promote the lie of brotherhood suggesting we're all the same being lynched, castrated mutilated ...used and misused beyond all description finding yourselves as great entertainers-still non accepted! 'Black, back in the Day' as Slavery was coming too an end you were given a ray of so-called hope with Money and Education-the ability to go to Church and get Married all sanctioned by White Demonic Bloodsucking Devils to whom you submitted as God. Gave him wealth beyond his complete imagination-holding out his woman as the great prize while he had his way with your woman then and now! Now you find( he's no God at All!)...keeping you and your Woman at one another's throats your children with no hope because you gave your Spirits and Souls to the Devils Children, telling them" it doesn't matter what you do ( God Loves ya-we all the same!) "Up stepped Divine Wisdom In Black Truth saying to hell with this- I'm Reuben from the 'Twelfth House of Israel; Reuben; not knowing, but having faith -believing in the Herald Dispatch Newspaper it's foundation and purpose (Owner Mr Sanford Alexander) and Prophecy of the Living Scriptures I moved throughout many businesses and home areas where Blacks were thought to be dead or non aware. Moving from one area to the other with an ancient scroll we put to flight demons you wouldn't believe. In doing so found the Divine Judgment hall in the middle of the earth-the Kings Highway -the impostors of Israel trying to steal the Promised Land. Black, Colored and White Warriors in the Book of the Dead fighting for Isis- taking Spirits in the name of equality and brotherhood. It became one hell of a war all over the world reaching into the Universe. The devils had been caught off guard, off balance, as we crossed the River Jordan in the Rapture...Aliyah into the Land of Reuben taking the Spiritual Throne. Yes, I paid a price...alone, which is why there's so much turmoil in the world today. Believers pretending they're believers. Right is wrong and wrong is right! The foundation of Black Slavery didn't happen, nor can blame be place where it belongs, in the laps of religions and leaders on the Black Continent aiding and abetting the capturing of slaves promoting White Supremacy'. This is why the unpaid Debt is still unpaid to rightful heirs and their descendants in this Nation. Today, they are claiming Reparations of which they're not entitled but is a legal claim due Black Slave in America. This claim is also due from the entire Nations of the world who benefited from their insane use and misuse of Black Folk-Slaves Hebrews, who didn't die-to the Glory of the Divine Prophecy! Think about this before I close saying:' a devil is still a devil! This Nation has set in motion a title wave of Immigrants claiming Citizenship, Buying Land with cash that was made possible by slaves participation in various wars around the world along with the consuming of dope hoping to kill their spirits and minds they hoped, would wipe out the Black nation from within this land. Nationalities from Russia China Brazil Argentina Colombia Mexico Venezuela France Turkey just to name a few have, all been trying trying to claim Black knowledge and Birth Right! Think about how these folk have been able to amass so much wealth by misusing the people from their point of origin spending as much as (3. 6 million dollars) for a piece of land they now call home in these United States. Think about they arrive here from around the world only to find themselves in debt to Black folk they thought were dead!...Oop! Black is truly Beautiful. Black Power! Reparations, Land And Restitution. Stay Well. (C) 2/6/2016 Faith of Abraham Isaac Jacob. Reuben Seed of Jacob, Man Sun Son of Simeon ....On Target On Point! A devil is Still A Devil and a Pig is still pork -A Leopard what? Even Black Spirits...Male and Female who hate themselves-passing evil spiritual knowledge down to the innocence children helping to promote the evils of 'White Supremacy, are now facing the folly of their acts in failure ! Can't destroy Prophecy or the beauty in Black! Reuben Beckles
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