Let's get real-can't create hell for the righteous and innocence then blame them because you find you and yours in the bottom of the sess-pool! Black Is Beautiful!!
The root cause of this insane folly is Reparations-Restitution and Land-with compounded Interest- Black Slavery and the unpaid debt in compounded interest on free, institutionized slave labor and genocide! The wealth accumulated by these insane Satanic Monsters here and around the world is staggering in proportion to the poverty and sickness that came along with it. To these thugs gangsters-hope to-die sissies dressed in ties and business suits who run around the world as protectors of the 'White Supremacy State' with Black Judas Sellouts, their help-mates who lie, steal, trick, intimidate nations and their pretending leaders that they, are in safe hands. Truth is, they are the cream of demonic leadership! They don't want 'Solutions' they can't control! They feel nothing for 'Black and it's original state in Black, is Beautiful and positive. They want Servants and their land of resources to fill their greedy coffers, building their ego's like their armies now in movement across 'Eastern Europe in preparation for 'Armageddon' in the name of protecting their allies? They see the real war among themselves coming into focus-relative to prophecy they didn't and don't believe relative to Black Faith and Jacob Seed! They know and understand that like Egypt they don't want too pay the debt of free Slave labor and let the slaves leave for their own land! The so-call religions-insane Politics and funny money in the game of Economical Finance cannot save them nor their family's as they bathe in tremendous wealth at the expense of the Black Slaves...whom they despise and hate! Black Judas sellouts think they will get away, free. ' Oops, Divine intervention say's no!' Much has been done, said and given to Black Slaves across this land in the past and present relative to the mental and spiritual state that keeps them bound, rotting away pretending they have arrived in freedom-even as the system crumbles. This is the profound meaning of Slavery-thinking you're in a place and state you're not...even to the point of not realizing where you came from and why in relation to your foundation ! In my mind there was only one true Black Man who came to this Country as Black-for Blacks in deed substance in Action! Marcus Garvey! Others talked but his was pure Action. He made clear the course, being called a Buffoon-Monkey by the Creole-Mulatto and others who were controlled by the Justice and State Department!...at their head( W.E.B Du Bois. The late Prof.'John Clark' '.stated...if Creoles Mulattoes are with you send them into the White Camp for a week-then allow them entry in the Black camp. Let them make a choice as to whom they choose to be! He knew their deception-they're really White Caucasians and want nothing to do with Black other than too drain their Spiritual wisdom and Knowledge as do many others! The Picture on the front of a Black weekly-where Donald Trump is Holding a Black Baby with a halo around his head while he gives the baby a bottle with a White nipple means, according to 'Francis Crest Welsing' was one of the ways blacks are introduced too homosexuality from birth-by the mother-and the White image! Their were and are many Black men and women who have put themselves on the alter for the freedom of Black only to be sold out by Judas from within to keep slavery alive. But these Mulattos-Creoles are not apart of that truthful Spirit-which in my mind includes 'The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago and the receiving of Twenty to fifty Million Dollars in Gold and Silver to the Mexican government for the sale of this land and people. Involving the Zionist, Askenasim and Sephardic Jews. Much like the Luisiana Purchase and the peoples attitude towards Black! Farraklan, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton- NAACP-URBAN LEAGUE...Your Ministers and Bishops in religions and secret societies right across the board are not about Black freedom! Sorry, no more space and time...for now, I'll end with a little action truth and thanks to Mr Sanford Alexander of the Herald dispatch weekly for enabling my actions relative to prophecy and truth. For my truth I was beaten -place in Jail on concrete floor-family taken -told I was insane! But, I was released with my Spirit in tack 'stronger in wisdom and knowledge of self and kind, 'Watts' became part of the equation. I walked the Kings Highway- fought ISIS and the Book of the dead! ...along with her Brothers and Sisters in Phony White Israel and Impostors trying to steal the Promised Land that Donald Trump thinks he will lead and give too these hypocritical phony's of America trying to buy and kill the real Black Hebrews and Seed of Jacob! Will not happen!...The real Black Spiritual Warriors, relative to Divine intervention in Prophecy that I had to go through in the Rapture-Aliyah before I could cross into that land is no game -no trick and no lie! Faith in Action by the Divine Creator-is not confused and doesn't state fact that can't be backed in action. I don't care what types of weapons you think you can use to take that which isn't yours! Black is Beautiful...God the Supreme Lord of All (IS!) A Leopard doesn't change it's spot! Esau and the Devil is still a devil and a Pig is still Pork!...take that to your bank; The Tsunami of your destruction that you can't see is on the way! Reuben seed of Jacob- Sun Son of Simeon in the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob...Black is Beautiful as is the' Door of Life'!! (C) 3/31/2016 Reuben Beckles
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