Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, March 03, 2016

A Divine Blessing To Seed of Jacob-Israel Reuben from the foundation of Wisdom And Action From the Supreme Lord of The Living most High God-Happy Birthday-March Fourth-Black Power!

Their can be no justice  without truth, love and Wisdom to sustain the blessings in life without believe and faith from the Life giver!...I know this  is factual having lived to see my eighty forth birthday,bringing forth seven children while helping to raise one foster child.  Raised not in the Church-Mosque or Synagogue, but with and in belief and faith in the unseen but knowing, without, Lies Games or Tricks to be seen across the length and breathe of this land which claims to 'Desperately Seek And want Answers' to the multitude of problems besetting this nation and the world!...Primary the Black world called the 'Land of the Blacks-Africa) the Diaspora in the Middles east-Caribbean- Central and South America along with the continuation of Slavery in these 'United States of America'!  In everyone of these area's at this point in time the situation of the problems can be found in jealousy, selfishness, greed, envy, color ( White Supremacy) and the casting aside of Spiritual Faith and it's destruction among the people who have adopted religion of go along-to get along and the hatred of one's self and kind!  The Analysis and rise of White Supremacy on the Black Continent  is about Blacks hating themselves-selling their spirits and land to Europeans for favoritism and White women...finding no value in who and what they were given by the Divine!  Today, in the twenty first century, they claim nationhood and Sovereignty among the Republics in the  world involving the UN but refuse to admit there involvement in the Black Slave trade and death of their own kind including Black Hebrews who in many cases helped them raise there status on the Continent, opting instead, for greed  and selfishness!  They don't even want to admit it was we, the Black Slaves of America, during our revolt and revolution here in the sixties which saved them from complete and total annihilation from European powers which were supported with the help of 'Black Judas sellouts, Creoles, Mulattoes, Octroons and quadroons-who as now, hate Black!  Today, they feel nothing for So-called Black Slaves of America, coming here from all over the world pretending to be Black surviors  of the American scene-entitled to Land Reparations and Restitution and the Seed, Birthright of Jacob!  They are not the Seed nor did they go through the Hell heaped upon Jacob's Seed in Black on this soil.   They never arrived here in Chains and shackles, lost their language, family land -been lynched , burned, castrated-worked for nothing -denied education-force raped then watched, the women who were in labor by these monsters  hanging up side down while babies were cut from their wombs, all, while raising white men children!  These whites and blacks impostors' Askenaizim Sephardic Zionist from Europe and their Black Judas sellout brothers have one thing in common 'Destroy Black Jacob's Seed and claim the Black Divine Birthright!' ...Given in Prophecy in the Faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Prophecy and Faith  they have given up. No longer claiming the Faith including many Black Slaves in America, living in the religion of Christianity claiming their is nothing for them to do.  Jesus died for them and everyone-even though,  his twelve disciples denied him!  Now come the real deal when Reuben, Seed of Jacob, Sun Son of Simeon Challenged them all in Prophecy during the Sixties-walked the Kings highway in the Rapture-Aliyah...Defeated Isis and impostors of Black Israel, Crossed the Jordan-Took the Spiritual Throne and Land of Reuben. Was Judge by the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God-demanded freedom and justice for the Black Slaves, Israel and their unclaimed Wealth in Free Slaves Labor (Unpaid Debt-Owed by nations of the world with compounded  interest from actions of free enforced slave labor! As a foot note to History concerning the African and Mexican ... the African denial of his Slave participation in all it's attending ills is a crime in it's self as he and his children come to these shores feeling nothing for Blacks here but reaps the benefits from the Black foundation while the Mexican ( A cross between the Indian and Spain also feels nothing for his Indian linage  seeking to claim this land as his, trying to removed Jacob seed as what he and his leaders call monkey's not telling the truth about his birth on the planet by way of the Indian nor the 'Treaty  Of Guadalupe Hidalgo'  where their leadership sold them and the land out for thirty to fifty million dollars in Gold and silver.  Even the religion and culture they now serve came from Black! 'Lest we Forget"  who we are and what's in store relative to Divine Truth and Prophecy before the door of heaven is closed!...No Game No Trick No Lie!  Prophecy in Faith is Real as is the Birthright and Land. The sellouts claim of pie in the sky is nothing more than a joke is in for a surprise.     ( C)  3/4/2016     Reuben, Seed of Jacob ...Sun Son of Simeon!     From Door and Life of the Kings Highway!   Reuben Beckles 


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