Lying hipocrates and despots leadng pack into hell-pushing slavery pretending 'Black Lives Matter'!
Slavery exists because lying gangsters pretending to be upright males and females have been found to be nothing more than two bit sissies-pretending Justice by and for Black freedom but really hate themselves-having sold their souls to 'White Supremacy' and these Satanic Devils! They don't feel anything for Justice and Black freedom in America or around the world! This is why real freedom and Justice has been talked about but never put into action in the form of 'Reparations Restitution and Land. The real records reveals most Black folk in positions of authority and education want White skin-Straight Hair or wigs-with Long finger nails. False Breasts- false behinds and the money too buy into a false fake White society going no where, with no foundation of meaning and purpose other than to state, they have arrived! Take the late Governor of Arkansas...big Bill Clinton. They call him the first 'White- Black President! Really. More Black Men were put behind bars under his watch than any President before him. The Black females faired no better, becoming more accessible to White folk and others. But, they loved Big Bill! An act of insane folly as was the situation in the South Carolina Church-headed by so call Black folk...a Minister and Politician who taught his followers to love every body-including Satan!...who walked into their house of Worship. They prayed for an hour or so before the White boy, looking like the picture of whom they thought was (Jesus-hanging on the wall). They were so happy to have him in their mist that they didn't notice the gun he was carrying or the reason he was there too blow them away. He just pulled out a Gun and blew nine of them away-with no intervention!' He went to court a few days later. The family was summoned into court where they stated "( We Love Him- We forgive Him!... We're all Christians!)" What kind of insane religion is that? You figure it out! Just completed reading a Los Angeles, Weekly Newspaper. So-called Black Publication with a White Politician head- lining the issue. ( Donald Trump, leading the Demonic pack, telling Americans if and when elected he would lead them all into the promised land-this while, holding a Black Baby sucking on a bottle after he had kissed the baby on the lips in a rally for American White folk. This all happen because their was a deal made behind closed doors with Black so-called Clergy to help this Money Machine enter the White House! There's no doubt in my mind that money was promised and given along with Black folk present and future generations. More Judas dirty tricks. The more I observe cases like this and others the more I understand why their has been no solutions to this Black insanity in America!... For the most part, this Black female is not the Black man's Woman. Even though, he wants to believe the opposite is so. She hates him, herself and the children she brought forth by him. He fights and dies for her and what he thinks is their country. she does nothing of real substance in his behalf, saying, she doesn't need him, thinking, she's as much man, as he! Now, times are changing. He's letting her know: 'I don't want you, we're not on the same page. Let's stop playing this game! He's now in a frame of mind to understand what's really going on! Economically, she works. Not for him or their best interest nor even children. If there are any she'll lie about the Father to hide her actions he goes to jail or in the arm forces. In any event, she's placed in the position to control the action and minds of this relationship to the detriment of what was once a family unit. If we cross the ocean from where the slave movement took place into what is known as South Africa, and other area's on the Continent, we find the Mother's leaving their family's for long periods of time to take care of White Family's while her own Man and Children did without! The white child is raise by her to be Superior over her Black Child. This action gave rise to the situation we witnessed in South Carolina! It's a continuation of the break down of the Family structure within what we know as slavery today! What's the truth of this insanity? she wants to take the Man's position or God! Economics-family-politics- education class and colored institutions to keep slavery alive with Black solutions on the back burner. Oop's- Divine intervention enters into the equation and hell has everything upset while the rulers and Judas sellouts run for cover. The unpaid debt of free slave labor mounts with Compounded Interest! This is what America and the World faces today with no belief- no faith! From Black Israel, the door of life and the Kings Highway.(C) 3/18/2016 Reuben...Seed of Jacob-Sun Son of Simeon Black Power in the Faith -Abraham Isaac Jacob. Reparations Restitutions Land-'Lest We Forget" Anything less is folly aimed at destroying Black Is Beautiful! A pig is still Pork and a Devil is still A devil! ...A leopard never changes it's spots. God IS! Reuben Beckles
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