A Spiritual and Divine Revelation Walking Through Prophecy and Scriptures As Reuben -Judged By The Supreme Lord Of The Living Most High ! Action-Not Talk Relative too Black Israel!
Under Black Power I am Reuben-Seed of Jacob, given the last name, in the hospital...Beckles, by my Father and Mother for acceptance living in Western Society and Culture. Why is this important? Because, in ancient times and culture-Israel represented...One God-One Name and Land- One People! I was physically born in America by and from Black. Spirit to Spirit, Soul to Soul I was chosen as a Twin to Walk Spiritually through Scriptures from the beginning too the 'Book of Revelations' ending in the Aliyah, (Rapture) reconnecting Black to their origin of the Divine Creator...Slaves who came to this land called America, in Chains and Shackles and almost destroyed by these Judas sellouts and European Blood thirsty demons... to work and build the foundation of this land-making tremendous wealth and profits for this nation and the world! The Satanic Spirit of the 'Great Whore', Esau and others made of the same Spirit are at the head and bottom of the greed, envy, jealousy and deception found with the Genocide of Blacks around the world. The poverty, chaos and insanity created by these lying sissies, thugs and pimps is awesome to those effected directly and indirectly! What they have sown-they will and must reap! So, when I Say to the Slaves, then and now I mean the Original descendants. Slavery is over! Our responsibility for our future is ours! You are due Payment for 'Genocide- free Slave Labor' with compounded Interest at today's going rates in what ever form this nation, it's allies and enemies hold in value. It is and will be yours as a debt owed!...'no Lie-Trick and No Games! For those who gave up the faith of Prophecy and the Father selling their birthright and land on the West Bank of the Jordan out to the Satanic forces of Europe (Ashkenazim, Sephardi and Zionist so-called Jews as did Esau relative too Jacob...what did you think you have coming playing your game in Christianity and Islam?...through Judas? Reuben and Simeon returned home...leaving you, your lies and land in Sink Holes! You chose to leave the Faith for crumbs, joining satanic forces of Europe and America... to fight and die taking lands and people for harlots causing untold suffering and pain in the name of 'Democratic Capital Enterprise and Discovery.! You cut off Gods people to their Land and Culture language and inheritance for a job and acceptance in the voting booth- Satanic Pulpit, to control with funny money backed by 'free slave labor and ignorance!' How many times did you cross the waters into another time Zone trying to enter the promised lands of Reuben, Gad and half tribe of Manasseh only to fail when by faith, Reuben found the Kings Highway and entered the door of Life. You used the knowledge of ISIS and the Book of the dead. You were and are the lying force behind the Creole-Mulattoes, White Supreme power and color's trying to destroy Prophecy and Jacob! You are never to be trusted as a Devil then and a foolish, hypocritical devil now! You have no love for yourself and you don't have any for your kind now! You set in motion a scheme to cut Man-the Seed of Jacob off from History and Prophecy ... You failed along with your scheming imps and can't lie out of this one as Reuben, In the Spiritual Faith, without any of your organizational input -walked through the fire and hatred you set in motion to find the truth and was Judged by the Father in and of the Divine Creation -Crossed into the Land Coveted by you and others...and took the righteous Throne given by God! You tried to take it...couldn't. Can't be bought and not for Sale!' Here's one for You and Your Kind! Go- East West North And South with your 33 degrees you claim to have or higher. (I don't claim to be in this organization or any other!...only by faith in Action -you'll fine fire, air, earth and water. Walk and find the Royal Kings Highway. Take note: every inch of ground will be covered by Black Righteous Warriors with long knives on both sides and in back of you. All at one another's throats. Find the Door - Find the Land...Find the Throne! If it be yours as you and others claim TAKE IT! If Not, Hell awaits you! A Leopard doesn't change it's Spots. A pig is Still Pork ! Faith and Truth is Still what it is. God's Domain!) ... a lying hypocritical, demonic, blood thirsty impostor Devil is just what he is A Devil! Black Power in Faith-Stay Well and Love yourself! Black Israel( Abraham-Isaac-Prophecy in Jacob!) (C) 4/26/2016 Reuben from the Kings Highway-Door of Life! Seed Of Jacob-Sun Son Of Simeon A debt owed- free Slave labor in Chains and Shackles from one land mass to another not coming here from their own free will! So now, you don't have to asked like the Leader of the Nation of Islam" who ever heard of the Feet Leading the Head?.... all in relation to the Rainbow Coalition-Malcolm X also taught by Mr Sanford Alexander of the Herald Dispatch Newspaper. Now, ask why wasn't his Stature and African House ever built concerning his activities in Leimert Park or across this Land? What was his connection with other organizations; Le'gon, Elijah and The Constitution' Of these United States, completed by Action taken by yours truly along with the realization and death of the late Dr King and Demise of My Twin and Khalid Muhammad as America crumbles in the Panama Papers as the King cross over in the Faith and Blessing of the Divine Creator-Denied across the board! Reuben Beckles
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