Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Slavery-Free Slavery Labor a Debt owed in real Financial Terms Is no Joke! America and It's Foundation of Bankers around the World-World Bankers-IMF along with American Institutions of Black Judas Sissies and Sellouts are at the Root cause of Black Genocide!

Have you ever asked your self what is wrong with the mind set of the majority of Black folk in this country living in a system they know is not theirs, on a land they don't control (Monetary-Politically- Military-culturally or Educationally!) It's time to place blame where it's due from the top to the bottom of phony leadership.  I find it appalling that so much time has passed with truly knowledgeable people giving of themselves in thought and time to and for a people who did not come to these shores of their own free will-but in chains and shackles.  The only group of folk that lost every human value and purpose for being while building the foundation of this land  for others to enjoy that they themselves, even now, cannot enjoy as free men and women. Their world is full of hypocrites  and demons!  Black folk have been fed mountains of worthless dreams and fairy tales of brotherhood -love and honor -tied to Citizenship that they are still looking for in the form of Unitarian acceptance...not believed, seen, nor practiced by these other groups and nationalities.  The end results is  what other groups see as natural to solve problems among and for themselves,Blacks have every body and their cousins telling them what they can-should and should not do if it doesn't include the world of demonic liars and hypocrites who at the end of the day, want nothing but financial gain  and political votes from their ever loving slaves!  Even if you leave these shores and do any amount of traveling you'll find Blacks on the bottom of the cultural social-economic political ladder where Black leaders are nothing but fronts pretending to their own kind they're in control.  These so-called leaders fill their pockets with funds from International Bankers  by selling off  the land and it's resources.  At the end of the day they have land in Europe and other places around the world with massive, secret, off shore accounts  in the British Virgin Islands...Panama papers where people from the 'Land of the Black Continent' Like Mobutu-Mugabe- Amin and others have been able to amassed tremendous amounts of wealth by keeping their own poor an impoverished.  Without poor working folk these clowns would be nothing!  Same thing is true concerning many of these so-called leaders of Black America, especially, those who run your secret social orders and religious houses who are forever pointing the fingers at those who have been demoralized by policy and action by the thugs and sissies in sheep's  clothing.  These blood hungry demons and impostors are now claiming to be apart of Jacobs Seed- Black Israel, whom they hate and if they could would take the identity and land belonging to Reuben on the other side of the Fertile Crescent  and Jordan-claim it as their own and wipe Black out at the drop of a dime and feel nothing which is why they did nothing to stand and fight 'The White Supremacy of so called Israel-ISIS and all other phonies who knew the truth, instead, sold out to Satan and his legions of Esau-Ishmael Black Judas sellouts of Judea-the Ethiopians within the walls of the Vatican helped to raise Egypt and destroyed the Moors influence in the East and West.  Blacks are  poor because of their insane  desire to promote brotherhood  in the 'Greece Hellenic Council'  the Sanhedrin Council where many exchanges of knowledge and Spirits took place-also in Ethiopia where Christendom was born, ending up White' in Europe ...'White in Egypt-until  Nasser' raised the consciences of the people concerning Black Hebrews leaving Egypt and returning  'White?  The Sellout was so great along with the denial of the Supreme Lord of Israel by the nine and a half tribes that the Land that was once theirs has been turns into sink-holes and the air of destruction will be their Legacy. White Impostors claiming Israel lied when Reuben found the Kings Highway in the Spiritual Rapture of the Sixties Crossed over into the Land and took the Throne...not to be taken and not for sale at any price!  This is why you have confusion concerning Black folk in America's so-called leadership relative to Land Reparations and Restitution for Black Slaves in America!  In their present state of Poverty-who else can make this claim and have it stand under Divine Authority?  Donald Trump and his kind with his status and their Money key think they can buy anything or body even Patients and Copyrights which is why he went into the Churches and made a secret deal with the sellouts of the Nine and a half tribes in the Church.  After the meeting he tells the world what the meeting was about.  He would lead America and the World into the "Promised Lands" ...that even Dr. King didn't believe was real until God took him in the Spirit to the top of the Mountain and showed him the real deal.  He was One of the Top Judas Sellouts that even Ex President Lyndon Johnson found out  to late causing him to step down as President of these United States, when the false phony State Of White so-Israel ( created the 'War of 1968)' and Isis was dethroned trying to take the Land and failed!  This,  because of the information sent to the White House and Justice Department by yours truly.  Throwing me in jail -at the same time claiming I was insane or a terrorist nonsense, didn't work.   I wasn't playing then and I'm not playing now!  ...Is God alive and real!  Should you and others doubt it, keep moving down this insane path towards Armaggeldon and the world will soon come to know...Reuben in Israel is Black and not playing a game of Lies -Tricks or foolishness ! The Copy righted material that is being used, without my consent( written or orally given) is real and the Devil is still a Devil  ...Compounded interests at today's going rates based on a debt of Slavery and free Labor wrapped in Divine Wisdom and Justice is also real! (C) 4/6/2016    Reuben Seed of Jacob   Sun Son Of Simeon in Spiritual Faith!  In Action ...Door of Life and the Kings Highway.  Abraham Isaac and Jacob!    Judas cannot sell Black Israel out for money and usury to these Bloodsucking phony vampires gaining Justification at our expense .  Trust never  you pay!    No Game Trick -No Lie!                   Reuben Beckles


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