Satanic devils of talk all over the place nothing more than Reactionary imps and con men!
Take note, reactionary con men and pimps all over the place. On street corners, jails, so-call religious houses of worship by men of the cloth-not action of truth in the Word-pimping the women and being pimped. They both know it and love it. This is the reason she's out of control. Most of these folk are pretending non- believers and have no intention to move on divine truth and wisdom. They will however, pick up a weapon of mass destruction as Black warrior slaves in this country-leave these shores by plane ship and the insane devils word, blow up, kill off destroying peoples and cultures in distance lands to protect and serve the insane needs of the greedy demonic few, their system of hypocrisy and chaos! The talking pimps are all over the place in news print-radio-internet, telling and showing you real truth that they had tucked away in secret enabling your so-call woman sitting in majestic halls with a family of your children clapping singing and dancing to the words of these lying pimps. If you ask many of these clowns what have they done relative to Divine Wisdom and Truth, to let the captive audience know with a certainty, that what you're feeding them, is real in it's foundational spirit which flows from the living most High God? The problem as I know it to be as they read from the Book in English, is that it looses it's 'Original meaning of intent' not known to the reader. I know this because the written words were changed to it's Original language before my very Eyes, walking through the Scriptures before I went on my Spiritual task and journey. So what you're dealing with is a feel good thing-to fill their bank accounts. Truth is, it's a feel good thing on both sides. Neither of you have taken an action and put your life-mind-soul and spirit on the line in this demonic system for God's real truth and knowledge, especially, the so-called leaders. This is why your women in this system are out of order telling her to change when you yourself are the main sissies who talk change but don't want the responsibility that goes with it. When you go through the real knowledge and pain of Gods purpose-there is no way you can or will escape jail time-because you'll give real food to the flock and they the flock, yearning to be free with their Creator, will respond and the Devil knows it. His kingdom is short lived and so is his pretenders, Judas sellouts, traitors and sissies. He has no power! How do I know...? 'Watts-Kings Highway -and the door of Life found and travelled (Walked)! Nations and non-believers in the world moved their deception and armies against me in (1968- ending in the' One Day War!)...Isis was dethroned in Brown, Black and White. 'White Supremacy so-called Nation of Israel, ' Bloodthirsty impostors, Israeli was defeated by the Black House of Israel...Reuben Gad and half tribe of Manasseh in prophecy as these blood hungry demon's and impostor were trying to steal the 'promise lands in Identity theft of real Israel because of the Spiritual Sellout of Judas and the Nine and a half tribes of Israel on the West bank of the Jordan whose land is now claimed in bottomless Sink Holes! Also, my Association with the 'Black Weekly Herald Dispatch Newspaper. 'Owner, Mr. Sanford Alexander'. Why Isis was run into hell trying too Spiritually take my inner Soul Spirit. Family was taken. I was framed, went to jail, was beaten beyond all moral perception. Called weird, crazy and insane before their court of Law. I walked out a free man!.. Sent knowledge out all over the world including these United States( Churches-Mosques, Synagogues, Colleges and Universities. Activists and Political Leaders Fraternities, Sororities. White House-State Department and Justice Department -Members of the House and Senate so that none can say... 'They didn't know'. Black is nothing! Get you off your station then claim God is Dead', then continue making deals for Black Genocide while talking Religion! They're nothing but a bunch of low down dirty reactionary sissies. As a result of this and more' Reuben Seed of Jacob Made His Spiritual Journey from Captive Slave America in the Aliyah-Rapture and Crossed the River Jordan, took the 'Throne of Life' as a believer who went to War in Action, rooted, In Prophecy and Faith . Today, you say Black is something, but doing nothing... talking, playing games! " You are, somebody! "Who ever heard of the Feet leading the Head? More talk, selling the flock out to Scientology while killing 'Khalid Muhammad. More talk. Knowing you don't believe in the prophecy of 'Abraham Isaac and Jacob- but Abraham Ishmael and Esau! we're all the same, pushing Genocide through integration and Identity theft through the Church and a lot of so-called Israelite Groups who haven't done a damn thing but talk trying to make the Black Female God; producing Nothing, without her Man!...whom she hates! Words of talk... I'm a Diva, I don't want or need a Man! Black is nothing while having Black Babies....selling your Man out so that you can be the 'Head of the House and seen while your children have no protection dying like flies in the street or being turned out in jail while you deal with these other nationalities suggesting' we're all the Same because you lack Spiritual Racial Pride,' which you and that sissy on your arm claim is racist!' At the end of the day, talk is cheap-who are you and where is your land as a foundation for growth? Who is your God? From the Book of Life I am-' Reuben-Seed of Jacob-Twelfth House and foundation of Israel! (C) June 16th/2016 No Game No lie or Trick No integration.!..we're not the same ! Black Is Beautiful-Black Power! I'm Not a shame and I don't hate myself Don't knock on my door playing games. There's no loophole in what I stand for and who I am. You can take that too the Bank! God is Real! Supreme Lord of the living most High' Or I wouldn't be here today! The Devil is not playing a game -neither am I! Land Reparations and Restitution-Separation! Love self and Kind...Stay Well. Reuben Beckles
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