For A Moment In Time-Freedom and Soveriengnty Awakens The Slaves of Truth in Action Black Israel!
To stand and move in action in your righteous state of mind and being is to demand and command respect, taking on the mantel of responsibility and love towards self and kind, knowing you and your God, is the Divine Creator of you and righteous truth, eliminating doubt and non-believe in action for your own sovereignty Justice and independence! When that happens you will find the love in yourself you seek, learning a simple and your God of the Living Most High' are the 'most hated Spiritual Divine beings on the Planet and in the Universe!...The Greatest! Things I've learned during my eighty four years on this planet as 'Reuben Seed of Jacob - Sun Son of Simeon is when you come into the truth of yourself you will be hated and envied which is the real reason behind your treatment and destruction as slaves in this country and on the 'Continent known as 'Africa, Land of the Blacks' which includes the area known as Israel' Canaan. Not European, Caucasian Lands! The reason, behind our Language and identity stolen! America, land of the free makes it crystal clear as to the real knowledge and feeling about Black by their treatment and actions towards blacks whom they now claim they honor-love and respect. You even have Black folk here and abroad who hate themselves, mouthing the same diatribe as the slave masters in White Supremacy'....we're all the same-God is love...things are getting better!' For whom? Blacks who were brought here in Chains and Shackles-raped, homes and family ripped apart, lynched, burned, castrated, slaughted liked cattle- worked from sun up to sun down for nothing; given rotten foods that even hogs wouldn't eat! Do you ever ask yourselves... How In The Hell Did This Nation within this nation survive who now tell us we're free among them!? We must Love and Forgive. Absolve and over look their demonize character and insane acts of total destruction and brutality of systematic 'Genocide.' 'Conspiracy of 'Murder and Treason upon 'A Nation of People stolen and ripped off against their will! Their ministers telling us we must have Faith and trust in them as Impostors and Brother's. Hell no! They're Lying hypocritical Judas sellouts, Gentles -Samarians , wanna'bes-Christian Arab Jewish Converts! All this and more I lay at the table of these insane, lying sissies and pimp punks-who are filled with trickeration, lust and greed...blowing folk up in the name of 'free demon rule...respecting and loving no One, including themselves!...who now tell the world,' America is a Nation of Laws the greatest nation on earth for all people...that is ( excluding Black Slaves with Sovereignty and real Justice in form of Separation-Land-Reparations and Restitution which is 'The Moment in Time for the Original, awakening Spiritually of Self and kind in Armageddon, In Action because Talk without Action, Rooted In Divine Truth and Wisdom is just empty talk about the Woman-created for Man is now 'God!' A Damn Lie! This Black woman hates herself! Created by white demonic devils and their Judas sellout imps who have become there Whores in trickeration as a god of lying wenches and begging bitches! She must Submit to the Man- King' Under God of the Divine Creation from which everything flows! She can no longer use her knowledge within the satanic forces of the devil using sorcery, witchcraft, sex from the Book of the dead in Isis-working from the Vatican Egypt Greece North America-Central and South America-Ethiopia-England and other places with So-called White Israel as the Phony head of State! This is only part of the true meaning about and of, ' The One Day War!- 1968! Reuben's ascension to the Spiritual throne and Land... the real house of Black Israel...meaning the Aiyah' Rapture! It also means' Defeat of the Conspiracy too Commit God Killing! all of it's ramifications which includes the destroying of Divine Prophecy. Now I ask those of you who say you are believers in the Faith and process the ability to give critical analysis ...why would I Merge or integrate with a bunch of low life-no good Black hating -Male and Female Judas Sissies and fools to be accepted and destroyed in a system that's being destroyed by their own hands who hate my Divine Creator in his Divine Creation! ... asking the question Who Ever Heard of The Feet Leading The Head!? I say again-don't knock on my door pretending-you low down dirt sissies; A pig is still pork- a Elephant is still heavy, A Leopard never changes it's spots! A devil is still a low down dirty devil! (C) Take that to the bank!! I'll keep my Faith and you keep your woman as God but never-in Black Israel, Lord of the Most High Is God! Abraham Isaac Jacob.. No Lie No Trick No Game! Reuben Seed of Jacob and not a convert. Sun Son of Simeon Black Power; Love self and Kind. Stay well. Reuben Beckles 6/15/2016
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