Black Hebrew Slave Claim after Genocide-Conspiracy to Committ God Killing-Twelve Hundred Billion Trillon Dollars- Gold Silver And Other Value!
This is no game , trick and no lie. The horrendous crimes against Black folk exported to America from their Sovereignty on the Land of the Blacks' was and is no joke! The knowledge, input and aide they have given to the nations and cultures of the world speaks for it's self, only to end in our enslavement in chains and shackles with broken homes-one language...not our own, with an image totally against self and kind ( meaning descendants ). This death, internment through integration and deception has been an on going plague before the fourteen hundreds and continues well into the Twenty first century-headed by Jealous, devious monster Judas sellouts from Egypt and Ethiopia who entered what is known as the 'Roman Catholic Church' and through their establishment of the Pope, they enabled these blood thirsty demons calling themselves Christians with knowledge and intent of purpose- no peoples or cultures were to live if not under the rule and image dominate by Europeans as the worlds head! Secular or Religious the Pope would be the dominate authority, so when ever his armies discovered lands unknown to them or known, under his word, the cultures -people and lands were ripped off-men women and children it made no different! If you didn't Submit and convert-you were a pagan, a nothing and what Hitler did in WWII - was a play thing. He and the Pope were buddies. When it became clear Hitler was loosing the war-under the guidance of the Pope and his Church, Hitler and his henchmen by the thousands found a friend in the Church and they were moved en mass to America- South America( Catholic, Spanish Speaking, Christians ) of European Portuguese and Spanish cultures owned by the pope. Religious and Secular. Democratic Christian Rule with a doctrine that says ' Christ has nothing to do with the Land of this world'...not even the land of ' Ancient Israel- it belongs to Catholic Rome too!' Oop! It was Israel through (Judas) that gave them ' Christianity, Islam and what they call ( Judaism and they're now saying 'the land mass of the world belongs to them-under the Pope of Rome!...which takes in your Black Churches, Mosques and Temples. To say they exclude your Secret Societies is a joke, along with Civil Rights, acceptance in the Brother hood of Christ which they don't believe' and causing the breakup of the European Union and a lost to their foundation which gave them much wealth from the activities of the Slaves under 'Free Slave Labor. Also, why the Bloodsucking Vampires, White Zionist, calling themselves Jews' are going after what they call Nazis war criminals tooth and nail. Time and age doesn't matter. It also tells us the importance of the 'Nine and a Half Sellouts from the true, Black House of Israel known in Ethiopia, Egypt, Spain and Portugal along with the so-called Black freedom movement in America ending with illusionary, luke warm power and money in the hands of hope to die sissies and punks who don't work for the true interest of black folk whom we respect as- Politicians, Ministers, Educators and agent provacateurs as leaders able to think and move on righteous thought for the benefit of on coming generations. Blacks wanted out of this System of torment -lies and destruction demanding Land Reparations and Restitutions. It couldn't be granted with these low down dirty sissies punks and pimps at the head- they'll all Muslims and Christians who are fighting God....not Gog and Magog whom they have join forces with the Devil and Satan where there is no Salvation at the end of there journey. Ask them what is the true meaning of Reuben's Spiritual Activities concerning Black Israel in Watts- fighting for land and house of Reuben being Claimed by the Pope and Black Judas sellouts. Colored folk with white fathers and mothers are now claiming to be Black, knowing they hate to Black. The destruction of White Zionist Armies in (1968) was no joke. If the Land was theirs why couldn't they take it and Black top it like they did America? The Dethroning of ISIS in her own Book of the Dead through Egypt along with the unmasking of these impostors calling themselves Jews can't be over looked! Before I forget, these Giants came forth with tremendous knowledge and wisdom and they are just a few among many ( Dr John H. Clark -Dr Ben- Dr Macky -Chancellor Williams who Spoke of the Creoles Mulattoes Octoroon and the destruction of Black Civilization ( Arabs)...Ali Mazrui, author and lecturer from Kenya-who said " Islam would not be destroyed from without but would fall from within! So, who are these folk like Esau claiming to be Black in Israel, whom they hate! They're phony, not to be Trusted and they lie, pretending to be part of the Faith they have no use for! They see Justice on the horizon and they are not apart of Black Israel...Jacob in Prophecy, whom they hate and despise! The Claim of Twelve Hundred Billion Trillion Dollars in Gold -Silver Money and value, Compounded Interest is real and no Joke! I for one don't want to be someone I'm not as Reuben Son- Sun-Man of Simeon- Seed of Jacob with Faith in the Divine Prophecy of Abraham Isaac Jacob and Truth of the Living Most High God! Always Reuben Seed of Jacob who Walked the Kings High Way...entering the Door of Life through and in the Aliyah-Rapture! This is my truth and what I stand you fight the Spirit of the Living God and see what you come up with!!....Black Is Beautiful -Stay Well, Love Self and Kind!...No Trick Game And No Lie! Reuben Beckles (C) June/30/2016
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