House cleaning back fires on Black Judas Sellouts and theirs friends around the world as Brexit EU !
Black Judas sellouts and there related hypocritical, bloodsucking vampires and sissies from around the world who have been shaken to the core as the spirit and independence coming from every day folk speaks to the reality of justice across Europe and other parts of the world. England votes to exit European Union. Others to follow with the break up of Western Power and their wealth made possible by 'Destruction of Black Civilizations in Africa and around the world aided with the help of Black Judas sellouts gone absolutely insane with greed, selfishness, jealousy and hatred of themselves and the true Black-Israelites...Hebrews! If one understands the meaning behind' Reaping What You Sow'...then you know that black leadership and Judas Sellouts is what's driving the insanity on the Continent of Africa-known as Land Of The Blacks, today! White Caucasians are the ones who bought and put into action the 'mass inhumane' insanity, that Black Judas sellouts facilitated, promoting Black slavery in America and other parts of the world calling themselves leaders today sustaining much of the insanity we are seeing today. Funny politics, funny money and greed ending in 'Chains and Shackles-broken and destroyed families. Destroyed Cultures and Language. Lynching's, Burnings Castrations and integration into the loins and demonic culture of a people with subhuman characteristics that the slaves received unto themselves, becoming almost animalistic, hating themselves! However, because of Divine intervention of the Living Most High God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob these monsters have been unable to achieve their Most Coveted dreams and ambitions...'destroy and commit Genocide upon the Seed of Jacob in Prophecy and lay too waste the promised lands of Black Israel for power and Economics which is what happened to these U.S. of America where the Slaves built it's foundation as the prime builders of this nation all with free slave labor' to which the World has reaped tremendous benefits but refuse to recognize the slaves and their descendants claim for Reparations-Restitution and Land...not an education and jobs to perpetuate their continued internment which is their death. The Judas sellouts under the banner of religion walk away. The guilty walk away claiming' it's all about redemption and God's love.'...until they're reminded using their Christian terms ,' Christ Said" Pick up Your Cross And Follow Me!" Your so-called leaders and much of the flock haven't done a damn thing but lie, steal cheat, rip off some folk here and abroad leading the forces of integration , immigration, affirmative action-Transgender, same sex marriage, race and colored hypocrisy, but never addressing the truth of the' slaves and their descendants 'debt owed with land and compounded interest! This is the real truth behind the international vote and the elite not wanting the truth to come to lite ! over. (C)6/24/2016. No game trick or lies! Politicians have been bought and paid for but the people's referendum tells another story with their vote and referendum. Reuben seed of Jacob. Let the devils deal with this truth. God is! Truth In Action. Faith! A Elephant is still heavy and a pig is still Pork! Bank it. Love Self and Kind. Stay Well. From the Door of Life! Reuben Beckles
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