Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Pretenders to the throne of Gods original spirit and truth In Hell-as truth and non-action-seen too late!

Greed , selfishness and jealousy can't get around black Israel, genocide, and debt owed to slaves in America as claim surfaces and interest mounts and counting in the form of Reparations, Restitution and Land!  ( Compounded Interest on-Twelve Hundred Billion Trillion Dollars In Land-Gold and Silver-Diamonds -Patients and Copyrights and other valuables.)   All based on a people stolen from a Sovereign land mass-bought to this land in chain and shackles against their will-while losing millions on the high seas suffering the loss of language-families-culture all beyond all human understanding that even Genocide, can't explain while walking around in today's world as Slaves and their descendants work and pretend no foundation, no past-mired in the hypocrisy of our so-called leaders who are nothing more than punk Judas sellouts  telling us to join the freedom march in Religion- Education on a higher level of insanity where the 'Voting Rights Act- Civil Rights and integration will make us free so that we can shout like the late Dr King, who led the people into this burning house... ( thanking God almighty at last we're free! work and beg at the Slave masters table of pimps punks, liars and thieves under the Law!  These sorry misfits and punks tell us to let them do the thinking for us and forget the past-rooted in the truth and building this nations foundation  with free slave labor while forced to live as animals. Lynched-raped-beaten-castrated-denied all humanity as we speak one language ( His ) even while raising his children and denying our own while being slaughtered for learning to read and write! Today, many nations around the world are claiming to be you in the truth of your divine birthright which includes Creoles and Mulatto's who for the most part are the Slave Masters Children and they will tell you and the world with pride and dignity, 'White Supremacy' runs through their blood, they are above Black!  They give you the' Voting Rights Act and special schools while hiding the Pole Tax of Mutilation and Castration of your genitals.   When you vote for people Like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, you're inviting Death to you and your Kind whom you claim to love as 'Black Life's Matter'. Trump told you and the world he and his Elite Friends have bought and paid for both Democrats and Republicans who don't feel anything for people (not of their Class )! Were it not for Divine intervention I would be classified as a Terrorist and headed for the Graveyard!  Why didn't it happen?  ...because of the 'Spiritual War- of 1968 and other action as Jacobs Seed where the Judas Impostors were defeated- Isis was dethroned-  Watts surfaced and 'White Israel was exposed  having no claim to the Linage or Land they tried to claim was theirs!   Believe it or not, Black Judas sellouts in the Mosques-Churches, nations of Egypt and Ethiopia know it as do many other countries (meaning the United Nations) have been and are behind this insanity.  They don't say anything and can't move because they have been paid off as the non-believers and bullies punks they are....pretending to be  Servants of the People!  Does this exclude these blood thirsty vampire impostors (European Caucasians- Never?!' The Hell they are catching and reaping is what they have created for the innocent as Pretenders to the Throne.  This includes these Black low down dirty Snakes!  Only Money and destruction of truth is there faith!   (C)  Reuben    8/3/2016  Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob    Seed of Jacob Sun-Son Man of Simeon!  A pig is still pork anyway you cut it and A devil is still a devil!  From the Kings Highway and the Door of Life....No game , No Trick and No Lie!     Black Is Beautiful- Love Self and Kind ! Take this too the Bank-  A Debt Owed!            Reuben  Beckles


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