Slavery Againest Your Will-Gives you non recognition as Black folk-with the sham and game of "Black Lives Matter!"
If you have no consciousness or knowledge of self and kind, Land or God, then you are a Zombie with nothing, going no where -can and will be used for the gain of others who use you to destroy yourselves in the name of integration and progress in a Country on a land controlled by a system of White Elite manipulators and Black Judas sellouts who are envious and jealous of true Black Israel-Jacob seed ...Prophecy and the Land-which is coveted by impostors and nations the world over, especially, Black Slaves in America, who are playing this game of Freedom Justice and Independence. Chaos and confusion is continued by you who don't want to recognize the value of your history and foundation as black. You accept Creoles and Mulattoses who have their own history and culture as Sons and Daughters of White folk who think they're better and look down on you as too dark. The schools that you think are Black were schools setup for the While man's children-urged by the White woman-which didn't include Black-knowing there was and is a difference-not only in looks but in the DNA in order to defuse the emergent of Black awareness and power. Today, his Sons and Daughters are claiming to be you as Black and like the Zionist-Jewish Caucasian from Europe they want your Divine Birthright living out the lie of Esau and the trickeration of Satan! There aim is to misguide and kill off any and everything Black-this is how deep their envy and jealousy runs. They promote, 'Plan Parenthood ' which means the death of Black Babies! The Fight between 'Dr Duboise and Marcus Garvey was real then and now between Colored and Black Folk in families across the land with 'Farrakhan selling Blacks out in the name of Black! The Spit between Dr King and Elijah and that whole Civil Rights Movement of Genocide was real, found out too late by Dr King after he was taken to the top of 'The Mountain.' Your colored Educators-Religious leaders Lawyers in the Justice and political departments know this truth pushing 'Black Lives Matter' as a death trap for integration with the acceptance of So-called Jewish Gentiles Sons and Daughter while pushing Black females as God' proclaiming we're 'all the same!' ...taking pages from Adam and Eve- Sodom and Gomorrah and the suicide of Judas and same sex marriages!...'Black lives Matter', like Civil Rights -Voting rights Act... it's all a sham intended to deny Blacks a place on the planet earth! This is why my actions has always been and still is about Self and kind as Black-Hebrews Israelite! Has nothing to do with Arab, Moors Transgender, everyone and thing in between as impostors, claiming to be someone they're not, wanting something they're not entitled too. My Actions, knowledge truth and insight is like an earthquake in the middle of the ocean-no place to run no place to hide, and pay day means ( you reap what you've pay to the Unwilling Slaves and their Descendants for Genocide and all other attending ill's, ( Land Reparations and Restitutions) Twelve Hundred Billion Trillion and counting in Gold Silver Diamonds-Copyrights-Patients and other Valuables in Compounded Interest-or in the end, Fire consumes it all. How do I know? ...I entered the Land in the Aliyah-Rapture. of Divine Spiritually and Seed of Jacob as part of the Kings Highway and the Door of Life! Under The Supreme Lord of the Living Most High my Acts were not done for every body and this is the secrecy known by the Elite, controlling the world from Egypt- Ethiopia Vatican Greece UN-United State Germany Switzerland-many on the Continent of Africa South America and Mexico China and the dope running Cartels. France, Belgium and Spain. ' Lest We Forget," The Black Judas Sellout here and Across the board who hate themselves-Males and Females! If you think this is all a joke of make belief take the( Action ) I was forced to take with only one way out of this land and no Organizational help in the Action or Judgment. In relation to the voting process, Donald Trump told the world he would lead them all into the Promised Land-that all the Politicians have been bought and paid for, including Hillary. He says is nothing!' Noting Ex governor Wallace who Stated "( There's not a dimes worth of Different between the Democrats or Republican party of (Twiddle and dumb)! A Devil is Still a Devil and truth is Just truth-take that too the bank! (C) 8/7/2016 Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun Son Man of Simeon- Faith Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Stay well -Black is Beautiful Reuben Beckles.
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