Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, September 01, 2016

Spiritual Truth and Divine Wisdom Catches up with Bishops Nowadays in their tricks lies and deciet!

Game playing, hooping and hollering 'Bishops and Ministers Nowadays' and their pimps, punks and sissies in the pulpits, supported by their lying wenches and begging bitches, find themselves in a world of trouble using 'Jesus' to make money and hide their participation of Black Slavery in America telling their Black flock to move on and forget the past as they lie and steal them blind with big donations called gifts enabling them to travel, buy land in the Caribbean, Africa and other parts of the world, hoping to increase  favoritism among whites and their colored off springs while holding the majority of Blacks under their thumb in poverty controlled by their lying wenches and begging bitches!  These are the folk pushing plan parent hood and the death in the womb of life' unborn that translates too same sex marriages-transgender operations, integration and dope  addiction for the purpose of 'Black destruction'.  This is all  part of those Black thugs on the continent selling the Land, people and resources to these miserable hustlers and monsters from  Europe and America-knowing there is no way whites and coloreds pretending Blacks could take over the land-take all the resources leaving the poor in mass poverty without knowledge and support of  Black leadership.  The very same thing is happening in Belize and the Caribbean claiming to have so many degrees of building Masonry and character through religion.  If the American scene of Black folk is to be observed in the lite of truth there is no way So-called Black leadership, from the top to the bottom, can be given  a pass!  Slavery is over, yet, continues by these punk, lying sissies and their help mates in Politics and law-education and the pulpits across the land...with their lying wenches and begging bitches.  They have sold their spirits  and souls to these demonic vampires and impostors calling themselves, 'Jews of Scriptures and Prophecy  of 'Abraham Isaac and Jacob' !  These folk have been bought and paid for same as the 'Latinos have done, following colored impostors as Black for economic and political gain .  Now there Mr Donald Trump has come down with his real intent of  'White Supremacy',' closing the borders-giving you jobs and returning illegal immigrant's to Mexico.  Now you're running mad-thinking you were over Black preferring to be White in Masonry  as Sephardic Jews from Spain with dismantled family's, you find yourselves dependent- on the bottom, begging to be accepted while Blacks in Divine intervention'  are coming into the knowledge of self to reclaim self, culture and land from whence we were taken ...claiming 'Twelve Hundred Million Billion Trillion Zillion Dollars in Land-Gold-Silver, Compounded Interest and growing as well as other valuables.' Perhaps you would have been wise to have listened to one of your countrymen ( Juarez Tiarena )who was pushing Reparations for his people instead of fighting Blacks ending in the sellout within the 'Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo!...known to both -'Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.   Remember, Black Folk  were the only folk who were bought to this land in chains and shackles against our will. You stand on our ancestors foundation of 'Free Slave labor-a debt owed to we, their descendants! ( Truth in a Spiritual debt and claim. (C) 9/1/2016      Black is beautiful. Reparations Restitution Land in and for our Culture and people.  Reuben seed of Jacob-Sun Son of Simeon  -Black Hebrews in Israel-Abraham Isaac and Jacob.  Stay well.  Supreme Lord of The Living Most High God Is!!      Reuben Beckles


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