Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, August 29, 2016

A Leopard never changes it's spots And Devil is Still a Devil wanting you to forgive and forget !

For sometime now, yours truly has been standing, fighting and writing for what I know is Justice and Black truth, taking abuse and ridiculed-jailed lied on and about because of the position I believed and know to be truth in  action-not talk!  Action that others were talking around  half stepping getting paid as non- believers and Judas Black sellouts!...males pimps, punks and Sissie's   in politics, home and the pulpit.  Female lying wenches  and begging bitches who think they're as much Man as Man!  I don't see them taking a stand concerning Isis Coming out of Egypt and the 'Book Of the Dead and her continuing role she's playing in the destruction of the Black Male and the sacrifice of death she's making of her children to destroy the authority of the male image!  She never speaks of the impostors Caucasians calling themselves 'Original Jews' whom she embraces as her 'Soul Mate'.   Is she or Ethiopians going to tell you the role both she and the punk pimps are playing  in the Vatican with the long knives-deceit and Eastern Stars, Jesuits and homo-sexuality? How and when did the punk pimps of the pulpit or she as Isis, make a claim, as a Divine Creator-throw her self out of the 'Garden-taking Adam with her to fight for truth and denounce the 'People and phony State Of Israel? Blacks said nothing! ...yet, Helen Thomas ' correspondent to the' White House  made her truth known-denounced them all, telling them to go back where they came from knowing 'Putin' head Man in Russia, knows who they are!  My question is 'why the silence from the Punk Pimps of the Pulpit?  Why nothing from the Black Lying Wenches and Begging Bitches who knew and know the truth unless they were apart of a tremendous sellout-part of Judas  and the Colored White- Genocide Conspiracy to commit  God Killing!...while telling me in no uncertain terms that 'I should forget the past and move on.'  Jesus Loves us all-I must grow up in the Lord'  to which I say- do away with History in Action and documented history Books and the knowledge of reaping what you sow !  Love of my self and self worth will not allow anyone to change or interpret who and what I am  for their own selfish benefits in what ever form that may take.  I move and stand for Black truth in Israel ...Jacob Seed for self and kind!  Land Reparations and Restitution for Black Slavery in America-in chains and shackles...destruction of culture language families-forced  free  slave labor and identity theft, known in the Rapture Aliyah-by the Supreme Lord Of the Living Most High God!....for the truth of me and my kind a debt is Owed and due as the only people who were brought too this Land and system against our will-builders of this foundation!   Claim= Twelve Hundred Million Billion Trillion Zillion Dollars and counting (Compounded Interest) in Copyrights-Patients and other valuables! ...Gold Diamond Silver!  Reuben (C) 8/29/2016   Seed of Jacob  Sun  Son Of Simeon     No Games Lie or Tricks! Supreme Lord Of The Living Most High Is! Stay Well and know-   The Devil Is Still A Devil-ever smiling and Changing-hoping to get and keep you off guard.             Abraham Isaac and Jacob              Faith         Reuben Beckles


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