Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, August 26, 2016

Black Judas Sellouts as lying hustlers-pimps and sissies trying to use maximum degrees to discredit Jacob and seed- Reuben in Action!

This country and the degrees of knowledge by Occidental in Black and Whites involves ( thirty two degree- thirty third honorarium. )  These are the same monster sellouts and gamers who don't want the truth to be known and there participation and involvement in the big lie  and death!  Their actions  jealousy envy and hatred of myself ( Reuben in Action ) was so great  that to them, Truth and Justice in the Divine Order-Had to go!  They are the ones who set in motion my destruction in the name of Jesus) and Greek Civilization in their organizations across this land of Slavery-called the United States of America! They don't honor or  respect the ' Prophecy of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and certainly, not the actions I took too over come the trap they set for my death along with the Destruction of Black Israel- whom they hate, giving up, the( Nine and a half Tribes) and their knowledge on the West Bank , now claimed by pot holes!  They sold their spirit wisdom and attachment and any claim they may have had to the land for crumbs.   They know this is truth as do there imps all over the world.   It was Mr Sanford Alexander, one of them...Owner of the 'Herald Dispatch Newspaper' in Los Angeles' who saw the hand writing on the wall telling me nothing but pointing me in the Right direction which over came their degrees within ( Three Hundred and Sixty degrees of Action) and Divine Intervention and Judgment!  Remember and think about this when trying to deny truth.   Oriental East in Black, has memory, in action, related to the mind....physical, soul and spirit!   Occidental on the other hand has memory, computerized and written on paper, done, in action, or other wise.  They don't rely on pure talk relative too memory!  So today, when these hypocritical sissies and clowns say Reuben, didn't do what we did in action they lie...envious as I stand firm  for my truth and claim  in Black within the foundation of slavery and Black in this nation.  It's more than talk because of Divine Intervention by the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God in Israel and Prophecy which these Judas Sellouts know, pushing Christ's doom'  and the Twelve disciples who disowned him in the Order of Satan and House of Esau with there hearts and minds up the behinds of the Occidentals in the West joining the ranks of ( the Colored conspiracy and Genocide in Black Lives Matter.'  What you think is Islam under 'Elijah and Farrakhan-  Jessie Jackson and his rainbow coalition- Sharpton -and the rest of these lying activists who don't give a   dam for Blacks and righteous spiritual truth or the people and nation is nothing more than Spiritual death.  They are much like Isis and Eve who want control and power turning their Men into women of equality in' White Supremacy-transgender gays and lesbians- same sex marriage, which is nothing more than political marriage and social acceptance haven given up the Divine Spirit and Wisdom and replaced it with 'Orange is the new Black as " Black Lives Matter!'  The reason there are few Black Fathers in the home, raising the Children, is because the Men don't teach truth from generation to generation and the females don't want them, opting to have no fruit from the womb in Black.  Instead, like Hollywood, they choose to be seen as' harlots of the world'...women of means, looking  for a flaw in her male counter part so she can deliver him and his Children up  'to White Supremacy!' ...with no creation and self worth for self and kind!  Now that the truth is out, it wouldn't matter if members of my own family.... Sons or Daughters rejects their self worth -Spirit  Truth and Wisdom... my Actions and Claim relative to Divine Judgment  is real and not for sale, at any price!  ..I am Reuben Seed of Jacob!  Sun Son of Simeon-  Man.  The Land, Birthright and Action in and for Black Israel, is Real!   (C) 8/26/2016   From the Kings Highway and the door of Life.  Females, whom the world is now trying too claim as God, is a sham a joke and the Men who follow her in this nonsense is lower than low who don't want the responsibility of standing  in action-on point! No woman walks the Kings Highway or does what the chosen in Black Man must do because it's in his DNA the essence of who and what he is!...does that mean he's degrading -putting you down?  No!...he's on his Station!  God Is... as a Leopard doesn't change it's spots - a pig is still pork and Elephant heavy.  Trump wants Blacks under him in' White Supremacy ' too give you jobs sense  you have nothing to give knowing you sold out and have nothing to loose. No land to create for self and kind!  ...The Devil is Still a Devil and he needs and wants you as much as you need and want him!  Curtis Mayfield knew as do I,' there's  a hell below and that's where you're headed like Dr king stated,  leading his people into the burning house of impostors, envy selfishness and greed...much like Dr  Dubois, 'The Mulattos'  who did every thing in his Educated mouth and power to defame and destroy Marcus Garvey'  and his approach  to America's Black Slave problem.  He couldn't wait to leave these shores to live and die in Ghana!    Black Power-Stay Well -Love self and Kind! Compounded Interest and Counting' Twelve Hundred Million Billion Trillion Zillion in dollars-Land-Gold Diamonds Copyrights, Patients and other Valuables in our Spiritual Journey Home!   Reuben Seed of Jacob...No game Lie or Trick!  Imposters and Sellouts can make no claim-you belong to Satan of no truth and the Devil is Still  a Devil!              Reuben Beckles


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