Analysis of problem and solution to Black Slavery in America!
Plain and simple; the influx of Blacks from the Continent of Africa, the Middle East, Belize and the Caribbean have fooled, tricked and convince Blacks in America who have borne the brunt of America's brutality in and under this demonic system, that the path towards real freedom and equality was acceptance of the brotherhood of humanity. We should learn to live in harmony-black and white as one people. This is a concept unknown and unacceptable to the 'Occidental Mind'. The Indians in this part of the world found this out calling them a people who speak with 'fork tongue'. Saying one thing, meaning another! I maintain, as "Reuben, seed of Jacob that the Blacks coming from these other parts of the world in the form of 'Immigration-integration' knew this truth but wanted the 'White woman and White Currency along with White identity. Totally dissatisfied with who and where they were on this planet. Black Slavery and Black participation was stripped from the minds from those who were forced to labor under this insane-barbaric conditions which included the slaves off springs and descendants. Today, when you look around the country and see Black that you perceive to be apart of you in ( Education- Law-Politics- Science -Religion-the Arts of Hollywood-so called're being tricked. Encouraged to join secret societies controlled by the Church you think has your best interest at heart. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They don't give a damn-they want your blessings and birthright which includes the Land and resources they give up and sold out 'Spiritually' to gain favor in this Land of 'Free Slave Labor' on a foundation they get paid to keep you in check as slaves! The sixties, was about Black Pride and Freedom- Land Reparations and Restitution-which they could not get because their sellout was Divine and Spiritual, hence, they're not entitled too anything that Blacks fought and died for here, which would make us free- independent and self governing-not dependent denying 'God self and kind! The sellout was a denial of prophecy, Self worth and the' Divine Supreme Creator' in all aspects of life and they know it ! They are well aware of the 'Rapture Aliyah' and the Birthright of Reuben-Seed of Jacob and the Faith they gave up-like Esau! None of these Judas sellout sissies can claim anything or part of what we are claiming in the form of Twelve Hundred Million Billion-Trillion Zillion Dollars Gold Silver-Diamonds and growing in compounded interest( Copyrights Patients and other valuables. They have not shone themselves to be worthy brothers or friends asking or telling us to return home and come from under this insane chaos! Our actions in 'Watts- Black Power and the Kings Highway in the door of Life' not death in ISIS and the Book of the Dead and her Dethroning! The Defeat of Occidental Israelites vampire Impostors and the (One Day War of 1968) trying to take over and steal the 'Promised Land of Jacob-Black Israel! ...something even Judea and the nine and a half houses of Israel couldn't do! The problem facing Black America-is self and kind . The way has been paved for your true freedom and independence . Talk and pointing the finger will not solve the problem . A Devil is Still a Devil- Trump and Hillary Clinton can't and won't return the Spirit you either sold or gave up-as you beg for integration and acceptance while you play the game of 'Black Lives Matter- knowing your actions are don't give a damn! hating yourselves or you wouldn't be in the position where Donald Trump tells you " join him...what the hell do you have to lose...? nothing! you choose 'White Supremacy for them to run your lives!...your minds! There is an entertainer who sang...' if there's a hell below- we're all gon'na go! Oop, sorry, there is a hell and I'm not going with you! Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God Is ! (C) 8/24/2016 Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun Son of Simeon In the Faith in Action and Judgment -Black is Beautiful! Stay Well. Can't Hide- No Trick, no lie, no game! Choice is yours! Reuben Beckles
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