Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Black Hebrew Analysis and Spiritual Truth concerning-Aristocracy of Mulattoes-Black Africans On the Continent-French-Mexicans-Spainish Latinos!

Don't let the above title mislead you as Critical Analysis in action and truth will be the determinate factor as to why black slaves in America are looked down upon-despised and ear marked for destruction how we were bought to these shores and for what purpose  against our Will!  Free knowledge, slave labor and theft of our birthright and land, was our lot ending with so called 'Emancipation-Genocide and Conspiracy to Commit God Killing!'  ...Saved by Divine Intervention.  As slaves and their descendants, we, who are called (Negro's-Blacks relative to the foundation and building of this Nation cannot and don't claim this land as ours as much as our so called leaders want us to accept this insane position which will end in our final destruction.  ( No Land- Birthright-Identity  all set in motion with the Nationality Act -Civil Rights Act- Voting Rights Act-Human Rights and Land Act-Immigration- Student Education and Deportation Act-Land and Currency, Transportation and Ethic acts along with Colored Codes designed by 'White European Zionist Jews, Political and Monetary  acts rooted in 'the Colored apparatus of White Supremacy!  The Claim of Black slave Reparations -Restitution, Land for a debt owed in unpaid free slave labor and identity theft will have no meaning along with the additional claim of ( Twelve Hundred Million Billion Trillion Zillion-in Dollars-Land- Gold-Silver-Diamonds and other Valuables, such as Copyrights and Patients.  The slaves have been given nothing but a road to death with fake integration and will end like the situation in 'Rwanda'  where the movie dialog opens from an international racial point of view with the indigenous people being looked down on walked on and despised by members of their own who had been educated and trained in Belgium with the U.N. as part of the  insanity.  Enters the long knives!   'Hotel Rwanda' some very interesting information!  'Santo Domingo' ( Haiti- rich but the people remain poorer  than poor- controlled by Creoles and Mulattoes who made it possible for France to remain a force in the world of politics and remain economically wealthy on the backs of Blacks to this day, even though, 'Toussaint L 'Ouverture  defeated both ' Napoleon and Rigaud ', the leader of the mulattoes  on the battle field.  What can Blacks in America claim today under their mulatto leadership in places like Philadelphia, New Orleans, New York City?  Truth is they married and have children by Black woman claiming Sovereignty over Black men born in this System who got nothing and continues catching hell while you accept them as brothers in the name of religion and Law. They feel and act the same as their White Counter part in 'White Supremacy' and was part of the plot to destroy Blacks in the sixties-with Esau at the head and Legon' using Medi-physical Knowledge and the Black woman to take over the House Of Reuben' which also failed in fire as lying wenches and begging bitches in the pay of punks in the Pulpits!  I don't intend to give Black Africans a pass who come here from the land of the blacks of their own free will and choice, setting up businesses and land projects for themselves and kind, feeling nothing for the blacks who made the way clear for them to stand on the foundation they take for  granted.  They too, despise Black folk in America, thinking they have arrived with White Women on their arm going to some of the best schools that money can buy while landing positions that should be going to Blacks here which would enable them to do for self and kind.  But then-these are some of the sons and daughters who's  fathers  and tribes helped European Zionist slave traders and money men facilitate Slavery and destruction of Black folk on the land because they want too be white and accepted, wanting to be the 'Nelson Mandela's -Mobutu's  of Africa-giving it up for White bloodthirsty vampires males and females.  I mentioned ( Spain and Mexico) and that's because during the time of the Sanhedrin Council and Black exchange of knowledge and Spirits, a lot of crazy stuff was going down which can be seen and felt today giving rise to the Jesuits in the Vatican with knowledge from Ethiopia and their College in the heart of the Vatican along with the rise of the Sephardi Jews in Spain who now want nothing to do with Black.  'Lest I forget'  the role of Mr Sanford Alexander of the 'Herald Dispatch Newspaper' who used me too achieve his aims within White Supremacy' only to watch his dreams go up in smoke because I crossed over the Jordan into the 'Promised Lands'.  He left here, went into Mexico looking for warriors to help him destroy me and my kind which also failed, ending in a hatred for Black...a rising tide of Mexican businesses with attitudes of anger against blacks and a race to capture the Black woman whom they thought would give them the power to take the Throne within the Promised Lands' because she thought they could make her God! Many of these folk became Masons and  Eastern Stars.  After joining,  they found lies deceit -hoodo, voodoo, witchcraft, sorcery was on them- that yours truly, was in none of their insanity.  They move into what they thought was black neighbor hoods  buying up black churches working for White Zionist -talking Jesus forgives along with the rest  of the impostors.  My question is, supposing they had been successful in there attempt to destroy me and take the land over?  Would Black Hebrews Israelites be alive today?  What would be the state of the land in the house of Reuben ?  Would our claim for Justice be heard and acted on in behalf of the Black  Nation within this Nation  relative to prophecy and seed of Jacob in the faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?  I'll leave you to answer this question as Divine intervention and judgment  has already taken place which is why the claim stands as it stands the world over and Black is still beautiful' .  We're all, not the same!  God Is...Supreme Lord of the Living Most High and Creator of the Universe!  Now take that to the bank....a Leopard doesn't change it's spots and a devil s still a devil! (C)  9/20/2016     Reuben Seed of Jacob and the Kings Highway.                      Reuben Beckles


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