Reuben : Up Front and Personal-Seed of Jacob And the Kings Highway-From the Door of Life!
From time to time relative to truth in the lives of Black Slaves in America. the games and tricks which are being played by your so-called leadership to keep you blind deaf and ignorant in this integrated pot of stew is real. As the nations around the world tumbles in turmoil and confusion you are being offered crumbs and the illusion of acceptance to forget your pass rooted in brutality, destruction and lost of identity. Think about this nonsense as the air is filled with the rhetoric of political games and hypocrisy aimed at black ignorance and destruction. They will tell you I'm a joke and speak diatribe, with a chip on my shoulder. What these Black and White Judas punk sissies don't want to tell you is that, not long ago there was a party held in the 'White House' involving the birthday of some well known celebrities...the conversation went something like this": President Lincoln would be proud of today-A Black President'-integrated in harmony, Black and White together, as one people in these United States Of America!...yes sir, he would be really proud!" If I read history right, he, Lincoln was not for integration knowing the two races couldn't and would never be equal because White was Supreme in his minds eye! So why the joyous reference to Black? Just another game of Colored, Creole, Mulattoes playing games, trying to be something they're not!...Black Spiritually with a strong Solution for the race problem ( Marcus Garvey) self included! Check this out as another personal insight involving Black immigrants selling out the Continent coming to America to live the so-called American dream standing on the necks and backs of the Black Slaves who made the foundation of this land what it is and to whom a DEBT IS OWED ! While these newly arrived Blacks and their bosom buddies the so-called ( Jews... Impostors of Eastern European Stock-Bloodthirsty Vampires walk around in their accepted status as free Americans- the saves know the real deal and isn't at all fooled when they hears of the 'Church in Mississippi' being Vandalized and Burned! Black Minds zeroed in on 'historical truth' ( NINA SIMONE: ' MISSISSIPPI GODDAMN!) If this isn't enough for black folk of Spiritual Will and Consciousness to rise up and let the world know in action that enough is enough that we have no intention to repeat the insanity of the sixties of love and brotherhood promoted by Black Judas sellouts and their phony, hypocritical Zionist impostors pretending linage of the original Black Hebrews whom they are trying to destroy and claim the birthright of Jacob and the 'Twelve Houses of Israel' in prophecy! The Only thing they have coming relative to truth is 'Mass Destruction' in the form of 'Nucular Weaponry they have Created! (C) 11/3/2016 Reuben Seed of Jacob-Sun Son of Simeon-from the Door of Life and the Kings High Way! 'Lest we Forget-Let these other nations take care of there business as they seem to be capable of doing, hoping you as Black in your righteous minds, will do the same! Clam your debt in action-the Continent is God given and Black for Black just as the Land of Israel was and is Black claimed By Reuben( Hebrew and Black in the Sixties and the (ONE DAY WAR!) the Aliyah -Rapture defeating ISIS and White so-called Israel letting the world know who is for real and who are the impostors! Let the record show this is not talk but action! The Supreme Lord of The Living Most High God IS! A Leopard never changes it's spots and the Devil is an impostor, a low down dirty Devil!......Up Front and Personal- insight on point. Reuben Beckles
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