Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Across the board of deception -lies tricks and games played and promoted by lying wenches-begging bitches controlled by Satanic forces of pimps thugs and sissies in the pulpits!!

Why are these so called leaders of what is termed 'The Black Communities' just now coming out with partial truth and extraordinary hypocrisy relative to the state of Black folk?  I maintain that you cannot forcibly take a people from a point of sovereignty and distant land-place them in a state of servitude in chains and shackles-destroy their families, language and culture to not only serve and build the foundation of this nation, but at the end of the day, smile , talk stuff- rape his women and children-castrate lynch and burn the males when they didn't submit to this total insanity, then tell them they're, free on the land- in this nation of pure hate!  It doesn't take a genius, rocket scientist or even a fool to recognize that this system of so-called freedom and justice is completely out of order!  What kind of a Mind Set  have Black folk allowed themselves to be led so far from reality that acceptance of the insane, becomes the reality of righteous justice and no spiritual truth ?  Today, in Black and White brotherhood and other misguided folk, nonsense,  foolishness  and integrated poverty is placed on the plates of Black folk in the form of 'Black Lives Matter!'...same sex marriage and integration!  Political correctness and idiotic  miss informed education while voting for your enemies is not the way and I don't give one good damn as to who say's what...truth is just truth and long over due!'  ' Critical Thinking and Analysis is of no value without action where action is call for!'  Patrick Henry in this 'Occidental Republican Society set  the stage for some truth when he said" : Give me Liberty or Give me Death! "  Think about this relative to my actions concerning 'Reuben in the Black House and Land of Israel.   'Lest We Forget,  the claim of 'Twelve Hundred Million-Billion-Trillion-Zillion dollars compounded Interest in Gold Silver Diamonds and other valuables, including copyrights and patients!  This is one of the reasons why Reuben, seed of Jacob is not recognized across the board by low down dirty  sissies and punks in the pulpits and their impostors of demonic lying wenches and begging bitches, talking, while Reuben took action defeating Isis-phony state of so-called Israel-Watts on Fire'...traveled the Kings Highway in the Rapture-Aliyah crossed over Jordan and entered what is called the promised land and took the throne in the Door of Life! '...serving jail time for crimes not committed as negro black-Rasta's -Jehovah  witness's -Christians, Muslims, family members and so-called friends, all purport to have knowledge, but when the time to act  came forth, what happened too their Divine Wisdom in action for those in poverty and enslaved crying out for Justice? As I see it...unlike 'Patrick Henry they became( Tricks)...opting out as Negro-Blacks-African American-talker's who want nothing to do with Liberty and the responsibility of freedom Justice and Land...not taught to the flock by their so-called leaders, opting for greed and death.'  This is a testimony to one of their most vocal leaders in the person of 'Louis Farrakhan asking God?  ": who ever heard of the feet leading the head?! Are you kidding, selling the flock to Scientology! Your leadership Is The Problem!  We are all not the same!  Not for Sale!  Time and money cannot and will not buy,' Reuben, in the Faith and Spirit of Black Israel 'Seed of Jacob' Sun Son of Simeon(C) 10/18/2016...from the 'Door of Life', Kings Highway!   Reparations-Land and Restitution which is owed to Black slaves and their descendants in this American System.  This nation and it's advocates  bought and is owned by Zionist European Jews claiming leanage too Black Biblical lands and prophecy which they're not, claiming and lying as blood thirsty scumbags having bought off many of the Black Hebrews before they arrived on these shores-during the time and formation of the 'Sanhedrin Council' who are the real Spiritual Judas sellouts,' Black Orientals from Egypt Ethiopia and parts of Israel on the west bank, facilitating Slavery and all it's ills on the Black Continent.  It's the same as 'Christ and his Crucifixion'!  Nelson Mandela and the sellout of South Africa...along with other parts of the entire Continent by other punk, Sissy scumbags, who feel nothing for themselves and kind causing the  turmoil and chaos on that continent and the shores of America, manipulating the internal strife as Jews in the back ground using Black organizations to do their dirty work as punk sissies clowns in the pulpits of Religion-Law Education and Politics.   Talking love about Christ and the Exodus of Adam and Eve in equality after being thrown out of the Garden.  Pointing the finger at Eve he thought would clean him of his responsibility as the Man and head!  This is what you're looking at in the communities today with the wholesale, sellouts of men in the homes, because she, sees the enemy not in herself, but him as a Blackman, she gave her heart and mind to the impostors opting for death, now Claiming' Black Lives Matter! "  Stay Well, because Black and Truth is Beautiful and God Is!'  A Leopard doesn't change it's spots and a low down dirty scumbag is still a low down dirty Devil-and that's for real!  Reuben Seed of Jacob- let these sellouts and scumbags blow themselves to hell!. .reaping what they have sown   Reuben Beckles


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