Up front and Personal-I Am No Accident-Spiritual Revolution Continues!
Blacks who think living in America makes them free when they are told ' This is the Greatest Country in the World based on it's diversity of people, integration and opportunities. Most Blacks, Negros, Colors, Passing Creoles and Mulattoes believe this diatribe and propaganda, especially, when it comes from the mouth of a Eastern European Aryan who thought they should and would rule the world along with these lying bloodthirsty demons calling themselves 'Christian, Ashkenazim, Sephardi Jews! These are the same folk who became extremely famous and wealthy during and after 'Black Slavery and death! This insanity has been accepted by most Blacks coming into this nation by choice and their own free will! Many of these Black folk because of the title granted them as free independent states, haven't a clue when it comes to the real tricknology and intent of these monsters whom they see as equals and brothers even when they are told Blacks living on the planet did nothing to build and improve their condition until they (The Caucasians came along. They don't mention the knowledge they have raising them to the state they live today, came from Black! What does this all mean relative to the Spiritual Revolution continuing? Simply put, their mind set is destruction and total control over Black-where ever they are- where ever they may be. Point in truth and fact...'White Christ and image to Black folk'. Blacks working always for Whites, denouncing themselves for everything White. Now get down and personal coming from within a family structure of Black:'...don't bring me any black nappy headed, black baby's!" These some good White folk!...color don't matter-we all the same! It goes on and on about we've come along way, without, liberty-freedom -land and sovereignty! "Lest We Forget' a debt owed for free slave labor with compounded interest! 'Up Front and Personal" I Am No Accident!" One of my Daughters" Loved, Black and Beautiful-didn't think so about herself. Mentally tapped into demeaning thoughts of older black females who hate themselves decided to followed through with calls to the Police involving Social welfare system, Psychologists Educational and Judical system suggesting she hated her Mother and I and was being abused only to find the net work of older black women were 'lying wenches, begging bitches' who hated themselves and everything Black! There goal, to help facilitate, the removal of the Male authority( Father from the Home!) The whole situation backfired.)... didn't work. The psychologists, police, social welfare folk, began trying to teach her the same information her Mother and I had been teaching her all along only the funds were coming out of our pocket and going into their hands through the system while telling me that what we were teaching her was diatribe!' Once I understood the workings of these disciplines within this system and the people involved, I stopped going and paying them-walked into the Police Station where she was being held a run away and told them I was sick and tired of them and her talking and acting as tough they were God and we were nothing but weird, perplex no-bodies. I read the riot truth, walked into the court where they had threaten to take my baby. She her Mother and I walked out never to return. Feeling better about herself, she's doing well now! But the dumb stuff doesn't end there. Concerning this Color problem and 'White Supremacy'...went for a medical checkup at a major hospital within this city as a Black man- got my papers-all was well, given an appointment for the following month only too find I had become a 'White Man' of value!...on paper! My mind suddenly reverted back to my Black Father and oldest Brother. Both died in the Sixties -stating both were White and no Family found! When I got through raising hell with documentation' papers, changes were amended too Black by Black...Family linage intact! These situations are not by accident but an on going effort to do away with Black in anyway possible especially, if you stand and live for something of value in Black- not White! No Game Trick and No Lie! (C) 1O/24/2016 Reuben Seed of Jacob. Life from the Kings Highway -God Is!... the Living Most High! Black Is Beautiful Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Stay Well! Reuben Beckles
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