Up Close and Personal Insight-Solution Is The Truth On Time, In Time-Claim In Tact- By Reuben, Black Seed Of Jacob!
If you are part of prophecy in scriptures- relative to Christ and the Bible, then you know the action he took and the resurrection in relation to his people and cause, was real! The fact that the language was change from it's 'original state' too 'Latin and English and other languages does not alter the truth of his deeds nor the Father he represented or the Law given by Moses! In the end 'believers' will still have to pick up their Cross! So it is with Black Folk and Slaves, in America. If you claim to believe and know the truth relative to 'Black Life's Matter' and you are the descendants of the ancestors arriving on these shores in chains and shackles suffering the Genocide hell and misery of what all that action entails and because you're Black, apart of the Faith and linage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob then you know I'm speaking truth. You also know that you were earmarked for destruction and death by these 'White European impostors ' calling themselves 'Zionist Jews of 'Ancient Biblical Scripture' knowing they are phony. Truth is, this is why the Slave Movement on the Continent was so horrendous, especially, apartheid in South Africa, where they believed in 'White Supremacy' Separation and destruction of Blacks and the real Hebrew-Israelites. These bloodthirsty monsters, had been given certain knowledge by members of the 'Royal House and tribes of biblical Israel and they, like Esau, became envious and jealous which is why in today's world they can and do prance around the world claiming to be someone they're not! This accounts for the 'One Day War Of 1968' when they were defeated by the 'Twelfth House of Israel-Reuben Seed, of Jacob who loved his God-Self and Kind! Many original' Blacks had given their knowledge and Spirits to these Vampires impostors who lived on the west bank of ''The Jordan! The whites whom the Blacks had sold out to believed they had all the knowledge of Judea, Israel and was entitled to the entire land mass-hence' The ' One Day War' along with the defeat of ISIS! Those who sold out became Christians from Ethiopia, Egypt, Greece and other parts of the world. This accounts for the Urban League-NAACP and other entities setup by the Zionist for the advancement of 'Colored Folk' Creoles-Mulattoes;' White folk off springs who are given favorite status over Blacks perpetuating this colored structure under' White Supremacy!' The effects are quite obvious when you look around the U.S. and South Africa where Nelson Mandela and the ANC gave South Africa to the Zionist along with other parts of the Black Continent enabling Europe to extract tremendous wealth and labor from the owners of the land while most blacks wallow in poverty and many of the Black Judas sellouts, from that part of the world come here, getting jobs looking down their noses at Blacks here, they helped to sellout there! They could care less about blacks-pretending,brotherhood! After awhile, they soon find Blacks are not lazy and asleep like they believed us to be once they find 'Our Claim is Ligit- Legal and Divine' One hundred Million Billion Trillion, Zillion Dollars Compounded Interest and climbing, including, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Platinum and other valued, valuables like Copyrights -Patients!...' Lest We Forget Land!' Now we're all Brothers and Sisters. If you believe that,knowing the don't give one good damn for us, looking down their noses at us, then you believe a pigs not pork and Big Bill Clinton -Hillary and Donald needs you! Reparations Restitution and Land are your Chips! Genocide, free slave labor and all the hell sustained by the innocence and unknowing is no games lies and tricks! Stay Well-Black is Beautiful! I Am- Reuben Seed of Jacob ! God Is Supreme Lord of the Living Most High-Creator of the Universe and The Royal Kings High Way and 'Door of Life! You Must have Chips and your foundation in this nation and it's acceptance around the world represents your Chips-or you have nothing! Reuben Beckles
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