Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Debt owed to Slaves Land Freedom Justice in Black Israel-Jacob's Seed In Prophecy!

Fake impostors, Ashkenazim, Sephardi Caucasians of Eastern Europe calling themselves Jews of Black history, Scriptures and Prophecy, are nothing more than phony bloodthirsty vampires who have been bleeding the world in the name of Zionist', faking it, thinking they would make it-knowing they don't believe in the Spirit nor faith.  Using Islam, Christianity and their version of the Torah and Judaism they are Satanic monsters trying to destroy Black Hebrews in the Royal Houses of Israel'  then claim their identity, land and birthright !  Their scheme ended In' The One Day War ' (1968) when they and Isis were defeated moving there armies into position to cross the Jordan and take  over that part of the world called the Middle East!  Not believing in Faith and Prophecy, just like the Muslims and Arabs, they were all caught  off guard as 'God chose Reuben ( the feet and foundation to move into action as the seed of Jacob fought them all, claiming the Land and Birthright moving in the Spirit and rapture, Reuben crossed over into his Land took the throne in the form of 'Divine Intervention' fake lie or game!  Their aim was and is to destroy Prophecy and everything Black!...hence, today, those claiming brotherhood in Islam, Christianity under Vatican domination, find themselves in big trouble around the world as the so-called Zionist impostors and faker' got busted! Truth is, may of these folk don't believe in the Faith nor Spirit while they proclaim knowledge and faith in Abraham, yet, don't believe in the continue linage of Isaac and Jacob in prophecy!  What they do believe in is Satan, Edomites and Esau...any and everything  but the truth!  Look around you and what  you'll find are angry folk, thinking they could walk into the Promise Land as faker's using sorcery, usury, hoodoo and voodoo!  Faking knowledge and degrees they don't have, constantly pretending, blowing folk up perpetuating fear!  Many of these same folk are promoting 'Black Lives Matter,' Orange is the new Black...what ever that means-motorcades of bikes, cars and marches of so-called peace because they were and are unable to wipe out and destroy prophecy and the truth of the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God whom they think and call a spook!...hoping Politics and money will get them out of mess they placed themselves in .  What did any of them do too help Black Slaves in this Nation but laugh-make money and walk on them, their ancestors and descendants and foundation they built in Genocide and free labor?  Just had an Election-the New president elect Say's , as a Caucasian billionaire; let's make America, great, knowing and obey it's Laws. Turn things around knowing illegals have flooded his nation who were primarily Mexicans (11.3 Million) who really want to take over the land and government.  Now they're finding out, " ain't  gon'na  happen." They must turn to the 'Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago' and find out why they lost there land! they're being told by their leaders in the church-'they're hurting and  all feel afraid!"  This because  all have been faking it! Blacks not dead and Prophecy is real!  The East Coast and the 'Dead fish' found in the Millions on 'Dried up land is a reminder of the millions of Black lives lost on the high seas' during that monstrous  journey to this land in Chains and Shackles, lynching's castrations, burnings, beatings, stolen cultures and language, broken homes, rapes you name the crimes...Blacks paid and didn't fake it!  We talk Justice Reparations, Restitution and Land and the Debt owed' -you say integration, we never had it so good-while 'Helen Thomas-One of your own" told you to leave that land you're trying to occupy it doesn't belong to you or those Arabs claiming it... now they're crying' moaning and groaning because fires are claiming the land as we write this Blog and more to come as this is Prophecy and not a game!  as God told Noah" No More Water-The Fire Next Time!" ...Our Claim is real!  Up Front-On Time and Real (C) 11/27/2016    Reuben Seed of Jacob- Faith in Abraham Isaac an Jacob.  From the Kings Highway and the Door of Life-Black is Beautiful in the Debt owed!    'Lest We Forget'...   Leopard never changes it's spots- a Pig is still pork And a Low Down dirty satanic devil is still a devil!                     Reuben Beckles


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