Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Divine action across the board and Conspiracy comes too lite" Seen to Late! God's Judgment! Reuben seed of Jacob!

Title is truth.  Felt and known, 'seen too late' by Black and White Judas sellouts who wanted Black Israel and land in Jacobs seed  promising the Nations and Peoples of the World that they were not only the people of Scripture and  covenant, but would inherit, the 'Promised Land', as they went about taking, lying, stealing and in general reeking terror over the planet...knowing they were nothing but bloodthirsty hoodlums and vampires  punks and pimps in the pulpits of Esau, Ishmael housed in the Clandestine houses of the Devil and Satan and their secret societies, filled with male and female impostors-controlled by lying wenches and begging bitches in denial, whose job was to destroy everything righteous and Black! Non believers under the cover of greed and usury found out 'Too Late-they failed'!  Judas had made promises they couldn't keep nor was it their land or birthright  to give or sell!  Instead of moving and working in half of the true black folk in prophecy ( Black Slaves In America) these Black Judas sellouts became tremendously wealthy by telling the world that all nations would receive the blessings and spirit of the' Living Most High God ' if they would follow them-they could enter the 'Promised Lands of  Israel' and faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.  It worked for awhile until  the 'Truth' came out, falling on the Ears and Actions of Reuben, Seed of Jacob, Sun Son-Man of Simeon- whose land and Birthright of the 'Twelfth House' came alive.  These monsters went to war against him  in ( 1968) thinking  he would roll over and play dead , after the nine and a half  tribes had sold out their lands  Spiritually, on the West Bank with the denial of their God - unknown  to Reuben!  By Faith, Divine Intervention took place in Reuben's behalf as he moved from the foundation of  'Spiritual  Black Slavery' in America, horizontal, then vertically through the Billions of warriors in battle, all, at one an other's throats, he found the Kings highway  and the ' door of life' defeating and dethroning 'Isis' and those pretending vampires calling themselves of ' Black Israel'...Jacob seed of which they're not-but lying  Satanic thieves, which is why they and there imp's were defeated the world over, causing Ex President Johnson, to step down creating Chaos in the United Nations while exposing the Black Judas sellouts In Secret orders, Churches, Mosques, Temples in legal and political entities ...all claiming faith in Judaism, Islam and Christainity.   Hence, the 'Promised Land that Reuben went to war for, entering in the Rapture-Aliyah and door of life, taking the Spiritual Throne, that only the Spiritual God of Divine Creation could give! ...knowing, we're all not the same and not entitled to the 'Divine Royal Blessing' nor the claim of Reuben, for the Black Slaves never paid for a debt of free labor  as the only folk  and their  descendants, coming to this land in chains and shackles against their will now speaking one language with no land and purpose for self and kind! Justice and truth is on the table!   (C) 1/12/2017    No fake -Lies nor games!  The Devil is still faking and a low down dirty, lying monster!  Black is Still Beautiful - Love self, respect kind.  God Is!  This truth in action, has been moved  on, denied and' seen too late',  by lying pretenders. The solution is what we know  and claim  it to be. Believe it!'   This is not our land nor system.'  we're not- all the same! Reuben Beckles


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