Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, January 05, 2017

On point-on time-in truth concerning slaves who don't want freedom and justice relative to Reparations!

Mind to mind, spirit to spirit, deception, among Blacks, in America, concerning solution and justice relative to Restitution and Reparations is the denial of slavery.  How, we were brought to this land and for what purpose?  This is the root cause of our lingering hatred for one another and compounded confusion, not realizing  ( Slavery Is over and with it comes personable responsibility.  Problem is, all real creative thought process for self and kind was stripped from us during and after our journey to this land in chains and shackles for the sole purpose of working for someone other than self.  The foundation  we built,  but we don't own it- nor any of the fruits created from it! We created a system of tremendous wealth enjoyed by others all over the world yet, remain on the bottom, looking up,  killing- fighting one another for the benefit of White Supremacy' and become angry when you are told by some...( blacks, go home!).  What you don't realize is, it's a simple statement of fact and truth.   However, that conclusion is not wanted by your leadership in the White power structure and never by the black greedy, selfish, Judas sellouts and their power structure which is why en mass, across the board, blacks have nothing of real commercial value they can offer as a legacy to their children upon which they can build and sustain a future!  What these thugs and gangsters do, is point to the religious and political houses of lying pimps-sissies and con men, under non profit status, talk, take your money to keep Blacks poor and in poverty for the wealthy ( Lesbians, gay's, homo- sexual and transgender folk who don't for the most part create life, but take life as a culture .  Keeping blacks in confusion is a business apparatus of death !  ...creating nothing for self and kind with no future!   You read the 'Book' and your leaders proclaim it's a poison 'Book' let me intrepid it for you,' lest you go astray you're told.  They are the devils across this land working for 'Esau and Satan getting fat with your ignorance and wealth.  You're not told who you are and that 'Book is a spiritual Book', which involves black enslavement in America and the  only way you'll find this out, is when you're ready by ' Divine intervention' which will take place and you will be shown in your original language-when and how to move. God showed Noah...they didn't believe until it was too late!...Sodom Gomorrah, too late!  Khalid Mohammad under Farrakhan-too late!  Raymond X my Twin, under Elijah Mohammad too  late! Malcolm X, too late!  The flock is intentionally left in confusion because they think we are all the same in this melting pot of immigrants and controlled insanity!  The Aryans and Judas Sellouts in Christianity.  Ethiopia and the Vatican along with the 'Sanhedrin Council-not to forget 'Gog and Magog  in Russia, fighting these bloodsucking Vampires calling themselves 'Judeans Jews Of Israel' as they tried to make  claim on the 'Promised Land of Black Israel( Jacob) knowing they're phony's and were exposed and defeated in the 'One Day War' of 1968 !' Reuben Seed of Jacob, took the Spiritual Throne  in the Aliyah Rapture across the 'River Jordan'  as  Black Man. ( Hebrew Israelite) to the dismay of the world  and shock of the late 'Dr Martin Luther King Jr who led his black flock into integration and this burning house' as he stated it.  He, like many other Blacks didn't believe the truth of the land, because it was not theirs to process which  is why he was In shock when he saw it, at the top of the Mountain!  ...all, while the 'nation of Islam' with the help of criminal Black Judas sellouts and lying hypocrites  were taking spirits for Mulattoes and white colored folk, hoping to kill off and Clone the Linage and original Black Israelites of Jacob Seed, like myself, who would never join or be a part of these lying hypocrites giving them a way to enter our Spiritual land and do away with Divine Prophecy and Blessing!  The Claim made in Behalf of the slaves here is real and phonies will be destroyed without the slaves.  This they know as Satanic Judas, lying blood thirsty vampires and thieves!  (C) 1/5/2017  Reuben seed of Jacob- Sun Son Of Simeon, Man -No Lies games or tricks from the Door of Life and the Kings Highway ....God Is The Supreme Lord of the Divine Creation- The Creator in Prophecy and Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob!  " Lest We Forget"  we're all not the same and there fore Reparations Restitution and Separation too our 'Black Home Land' Spiritually is the way-no argument -hands down! This Devil is a low down dirty Devil  not to be trusted! This is not our Land nor system!                Stay well- love self and kind!.. with Respect!        Reuben Beckles


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