Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Religous and Secular hoax beng played out on world stage by bloodsucking vampires claiming identity of Black Israel-headed for wipe out en mass destruction!

Chaos, here and around the world under the pretense and slogans of Women's rights and total inclusion for everyone, is a joke and a insult.  It's all promoted by the same Zionist hypocrites and  impostors who promote 'Black Genocide in South Africa and all over the Black Continent for White European Interests and Black Judas Sellouts, rooted in Power, selfishness and Greed!  These are the same folk who set up the NAACP for Colored folk, pretending to be liberals while 'fighting Blacks' whom they hate, finding ' Coloreds, willing students to be used like Judas, for a price! ...while building weapons of mass destruction in South Africa and stealing land in the 'Middle East'  where neither they, as impostors, nor the Palestinians belong!  Black historians know this truth as do those in secret societies along with the United Nations and their prime mover, to get recognized, ( Ralph Bunch!) who received the 'noble peace prize.  Coloreds gained acceptance as Black and given jobs as business owners while slavery and all it's diabolical  Ill's among the Black population continued!  This folly, used by the 'Nation of Islam under' Elijah Mohammed,  didn't really recognize 'Marcus Garvey ' but used his insight and knowledge of Black Power, while at the same time giving Black folk a 'White Octoroon'  as a Black Man, as their Savior, all funded by the Hunt Foundation.  He couldn't continue on that path-so he told his followers in (1975) 'after his death, "there would be no more Islam'.  He didn't know what it would be- but it wouldn't be Islam" All this in the face of 'Dr   Duboise'  who called' Marcus  Garvey' a Clown and Baffoon' yet, left America to settle on the land of the Blacks'  under 'Pan Africanism! a Black man?  This nation has been full of Black folk who knew and understood Slavery and the plight of Black folk yearning to be free yet, allowed themselves and children to be used as canon fodder in integration going no where!  In resent times educated so-called leaders know....but change up!  Dr King-into the burning house!  Farrakhan,...usury, of Blacks to help him fight  God !...Roland Martin, speaks for many; their sentiments and feelings( I ain't  goin  nowhere!"  Yet, have no agenda relative too solution, other than integration of Civil Rights-cause Black Lives Matter!' ....Keep Hope alive!'  President Donald Trump" Vote for me!   You've given up everything; try Me' sense you like being screwed!  These folk live in a country where it's President wants to make it great again. On what?  The foundation of Black Slavery and a debt owed for genocide and free slave labor.  A country where White men of power are being told by their women they want equal  rights across the broad, waving signs and slogans in Marches as Transgender, gays-lesbians same sex marriages given to them by a president you say is Black in the form of legislation.   but came forth with no solutions, for Black!  As a Colored boy,  he came forth with nothing!  Not one damn thing, while you embraced his smile trying to tear him down on the few important things done for you and this nation, controlled by that phony state of Zion White Israel with it's capital In Tel Aviv. These are a people who threw the Blood  of Blacks they claimed to rescued from other parts of Africa  into the Mediterranean, claiming their blood as Black, was no good-dirty!   Now, they're trying to claim the land and Royal House of 'Jerusalem ( Gods Land- Gods House as their Capital!)  How's that for fakery and trickeration  after their defeat, as exposed monsters and impostors in the ( One Day War of 1968?)  Quiet as it's kept, if you look and check the Mo-behind the chaos, you'll find these same European, bloodsucking vampires in the back ground pulling the strings, trying to set up housing on the west bank of sink holes  sold to them by Black Judas sellouts there and here, in America!  What they're going to find before there mass destruction will be a test of their belief and faith as was the case of 'Reuben, seed of Jacob and the Twelfth House of Black  Israel at which time there was no talk but, action, in Aliyah and Rapture, with Reuben walking the Kings high way  and entering the Door Of Life, surrounded by a War and warriors too vicious to be believed!  This time around, these lying impostors, will bring total destruction to themselves and kind!...God is!  No lie game or trick!  Black is Beautiful-stay well Love honor respect Black self and kind!  Soul too Soul- Spirit too Spirit-love and Faith in the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High! Faith of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob     (C) 1/24/2017    Reuben Seed of Jacob -Sun Son  of Simeon, House of Israel-Claim for slaves and descendants real!  Reparations Restitution Land ! No fakery and impostors !      Oops!   The devil is still a devil as a pig is still pork-not to be trusted!!      Reuben Beckles          So Deep, You Can't Get Under it.  So High, You Can't get Over it!  So Wide. ,.you can't get Around it!  Justice  and  Sovereignty!  Divine Truth is -The Divine Creator!


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