Up Front and Personal-Black Power In Truth-No LiesNo Tricks and No Games! Slavery Is Over and Supreme Lord of the Living Most High Is! Reuben Seed of Jacob!
If the above title were not true, I would not be here at this moment place and time with a destiny and purpose. I realize when I mention the words ( Black Slavery, Land, Reparations and Restitution ) folk get uncomfortable...stating, " Come off it. Not again. Grow up! We don't need that terrorist, hate talk. If you don't love America and all she stands for-leave! Our God is Love!" Much of this insanity comes from integrated couples, people running from there place of origin. People 'faking it til they make it!' ...loads of money on the backs of Black Slaves. Most of these folk could care less about the bestial slaughtering and absolute decimation of Blacks who made this country possible. Folk who didn't come to these shores of their own free will. The sadness of this entire situation becomes extremely profound when Blacks, yearning too be free find and understand, that Blacks arriving on these shores from Black lands and other parts of the world, feel nothing for them or their plight, because they and their leadership from the continent of Blacks, were the ones responsible for the condition of Blacks here, knowing the selfishness, greed and envy their leaders possess dealing with the Europeans they created. They are the ones who created, educated these monsters, and gave them their wisdom and knowledge. Today, the continent, East West North and South is in big trouble with their lands in turmoil as they continue promoting the path of Brotherhood, while their current leaders sell the cultures and people, land and resources too Europe. They are leaving their women and children in chaos while reaching out and claiming, 'White women' they see as the prize, accepting en mass, these phony, blood thirsty impostors as the original (Hebrews called Israelites). Faking it, to make it in the form of acceptance finding in the end, they're still Black, being used living in the misery and pain they created. They're being laughed at all over the world...knowing, the Blacks here, fought this monster, they created, without a spear of help from them. They gave up the righteous spirit hoping we, here, will give up the righteous fight for land and freedom and follow their thought process of brotherhood because they are now finding out, we understand their actions. They feel nothing but envy and hatred for Blacks of America, because, 'we fought and didn't fake it' becoming whole, tired of slavery at this point in time!' This holds true for Blacks, male and females, sellouts, running around America, telling us too vote in a system, for a people, that's not for us knowing, we don't belong. These same folk have the nerve to get mad when 'Donald Trump' became President not Hillary and big Bill. They also found, 'The Nation of Islam' many of you joined after leaving 'Christanity and the Church, became part of the ' Destruction of Black Civilization as followers of 'Louis Farrakhan who is 'fighting God' not believing in the faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in Prophecy nor the Spiritual Divine Holy Ghost in Christ. They call it, Spook ism and promotes Jacob as a phony! This is why they had to eliminate Khalid Muhammad, who was coming into real truth, fighting the Arabs- part of Esau, who hate Black and jealous of Jacob. As for your President, he's attacking what he sees as illegal immigration and the drain on the economy. The people, primarily, women and their male followers in Isis, are going crazy. It is my observation that Isis is related to the 'Book of The Dead' for dead folk, who don't produce life, feeling nothing for Laws in Scriptures under God, stating the Book they don't understand, is poison, because they don't believe or understand the Spirit they claim is spook ism. This President is fighting an overflow of immigrants in this country by legal and illegals yet, refuse to deal with the Black foundation of slavery, relative to the debt owed! Are they controlled by the Vatican, Spiritually. The Constitution or Muslim Islamic States, under Sharia Law? ...you figure it out. When you do, where is the freedom in all this talk? In talking with my oldest Son who has travelled all over Europe as a Musician, I asked him 'what did he find? He answered, having lived there, " If you travel in those lands and Countries, you better have a Passport on you at all times-day or night! Be ready too show it upon request by the Police or Military or you're gone...they don't play this game you find in the states...no passport, they deport you...no questions ask. Everybody knows who they are. You belong or you don't! You're gone! that's it! There's no such thing as, Faking it, to make!' I was talking too my second Son, who was in the Navy and became a member of the 'Order of the Deep' traveling all over in the East. I asked him about the Land Dr King mentioned in his 'I have a Dream speech and the Top of the Mountain' . Dad, he answered, " the Land is real. I don't know how you entered that land but it's real! I didn't sign up to fight Black folk! You can't get in that land! Those folk are not asleep-there are warriors over there you wouldn't believe...and they are not playing. Make the wrong move...you're gone!" That's it. Up Close and Personal! This is why Black Judas sellouts are running scared playing games. They gave up their God given lands and birthright to some phony monsters for Money and acceptance, now hoping to find a loophole in my actions and identity as Reuben, Seed of Jacob. Sun Son Man of Simeon sitting on the Spiritual Throne of Black Israel in the Door of Life' Via The Kings Highway' God Is! (C) 2/1/2017 Stay Well. Faith... Truth too Truth! Soul Too Soul! Spirit Too Spirit. Claim remains with Compounded Interest! A pig is still Pork and a Leopard never changes it's spots! The devil is still a low down dirty devil! Land Reparations Restitution or there will be nothing!! Respect, Love and honor yourselves! Truth in Black...no play thing!' Reuben Beckles
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