Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, February 06, 2017

Black History Month of Limited Access Continued Slavery In Legal And ILLegal Immigration!

Talk about Constitutional freedom for Black Slaves, with no land- economical business, real research and self governing institutions attached to what is  called, 'Black History Month,' is a total sham- a con game for the rich to become richer on the backs and spending habits of the  slaves who create jobs and wealth for the slave masters  controlling the system of Politics, Education, Trade and Commerce-Economics ...Land, Police and Military Structures.  What does the slaves own and control?  Nothing, for the most part! Their leaders don't even want to entertain the idea of self governing in action, on there own land, and terms, while at the same time, giving the wealth they earn, beg, borrows and  steal to the New Citizens.  Legal and Illegal Immigrants who look down on Blacks as nothing.  Slaves to be used in the melting pot of so called brotherhood!  A brotherhood, they feel nothing for, except to use and make money  having businesses and living in areas where black  slaves are really not wanted! Contempt and disrespect is shone time, and again in all forms across the land to black adults and children alike.  But, the reality and solutions to this dilemma, requiring astute action  for self and kind seems to have no meaning. Not even when faced with a Tsunami of destruction.  The only thing keeping the unsuspecting Black Slaves from being wiped out en mass by Coloreds, Mexican, Esau, Caucasians and others is the 'One Day War of 1968, by Reuben, Seed of Jacob and the Divine intervention of God. ' Supreme Lord of the Living Most High!  The Truth, Standing for Black Self and Kind, Black in Israel.  There is no escaping facts and truth relative to Divine Prophecy and Faith in Divine Law!    If  Blacks and others claim to know the truth, but are unwilling to stand for the Truth to be Judged, as Male or have nothing, no life and have nothing coming while living on the promise in the arms of the Devil and Satan who will be destroyed, claiming to be somebody their not-knowing they're  nothing but satanic bloodsucking devils feeding on the innocence and backs of Slaves who have no land or Business of worth.  A people strip of everything-yet owed much!!  Black Man, today is your time, your responsibility to get your house and act together as head!  Stand up for something knowing this isn't  your system or land.! You didn't vote too come here as a Slave then stay here as a tool-a fool.  Restitution Land and Reparations under Divine Truth and Law, is Real!  Stand Up and Be Counted or become  part of the Transgender machine against God and Die!  Woman, having children or no children doesn't make you the head of the house or place you in a position over Man and God.  If you think it does, then tell the  truth as Adam and Eve did, being thrown out of Eden and continue your self destructive acts of sexual manipulation and lying wenches and begging bitches in Isis that has been dethroned-trying to be over Man and God -which will never be. You can take that to the bank with no brains- fake hair-fake eye lashes, teeth. False breasts, booty and mouth, destined for the trash bend going nowhere! If you don't give a damn for your self as Black-God given, it doesn't mean you have a right to destroy the children or Man that fought and stands for truth...not only in talk but action.   This is no game- no trick or lies!  You don't need an organization or a trick in pants refusing to stand for what's right and real.  ...God is! (C) 2/6/2017   Reuben-Seed of Jacob in faith...Abraham Isaac and Jacob!   All because of the Love of My Father and Mother.  A Black Newspaper called 'The Herald Dispatch.'    Owner(  Mr Sanford Alexander) . Black Power!   Soul to Soul- Truth to Truth, Life to Life ...Spirit to Spirit.   From the Kings Highway and the Door of Life!  Beware! We're all Not The Same and I speak as Black. Acting and knowing in the light of truth, From beyond the Jordan. So Deep, you can't get under it.  So High, you can't get around it.  So Wide, it narrows at the entrance to the door!  God is!  ' Lest  We Forget!....Prophecy and truth is!  The devil is Still a Low Down Dirty Devil and will do any and everything to keep you here as there Slaves! God Is, Supreme Lord Of The Living Most High!  Reuben Beckles


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