Simple Critical Analysis with no action to solve problems while faking it to make it with no foundation is a waste of time going nowhere!
Soul to soul, spirit to spirit is indeed a waste of valuable time and energy relative to Black truth in action, taking no action while promoting lip service. It's like asking a woman who has brought no life into the world, what is it like to be pregnant and bring a life into the world, when she hasn't. Or what's it like to use sun tanning oil and lotion to darken your skin to find out what it's like to be Black in America, faking it to make it in the arms of acceptance by demons and devils who don't feel anything for you or your kind. Yet, this is exactly what Creole, Mulattoes, coloreds and others have been doing for years-pretending Black...not to be accepted by 'White folk in a land of White Supremacy" but to be accepted by Blacks, enabling them to use Black identity and birthright, knowing they don't have the faith nor belief in Prophecy to facilitate Sovereignty and freedom. They, along with the real Black Judas sellouts are trying to destroy the real linage of Jacob denouncing, then give up the truth and faith of the true prophecy of their God in Jacob for these phony, 'faking it to make it' demons and blood thirsty Vampire Caucasians of Eastern Europe who covet the prophecy and land of 'Black Israel'. They were almost successful in achieving their goal and destroying all Blacks on the Planet by leaving Ethiopia, taking their knowledge of Egypt and Ethiopia into the Vatican destroying their Black skin and pigmentation ( turning White) like the demons they served. It was 'Reuben, Seed of Jacob and linage who stepped up in action' while working for the 'Herald Dispatch Weekly Newspaper-owner Mr Sanford Alexander-destroying Isis-exposing, White Israel for the phonies they are...while wiping out their armies in (1968) through divine intervention. Walking the Kings Highway and entering the door of Life and Judged in the Rapture, ascension Aliyah, crossing the Jordan, entering the land and taking the Spiritual Throne! This and more took place to save the Prophecy, land and people in prophecy not as a sellout nor, hand out as welfare. This was recorded...this was done in action! My question was and is to the Churches, Mosques, synagogues and... Secret Societies? Where were you with your wisdom, knowledge and degrees? Have you all sold out for money and Jobs? In a system, on a land that's not yours, hoping, I would die and be sacrificed like Jesus who was denounced, disowned, by all of his disciple's. Well, I paid the price. Was Judged and live to stand-make the claim from the foundation in action and truth! No Lie, No Game and no tricks!!...I know, the Devil Is Still a Low Down Dirty Devil! A Leopard never changes it's spots nor a Zebra it's stripes. A debt is owed and will be paid to the Black Slaves and their descendants who are without Land, Black and no pretending phonies to complete the faith in Divine Wisdom and truth! God Is-Supreme Lord of the Living Most High! (C) 3/24 2017 Reuben By Faith....Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Truth to Truth ...Spirit to Spirit...Soul to Soul ! Stay Well. Love self and kind In Black Israel! ' Lest We Forget" Can't be taken, Bought or Sold! Sun Son Man of Simeon. Spirit is Real! Reuben Beckles
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