Up Front and Personal -Reuben, Seed Of Jacob-Sun Son Man Of Simeon-Black Power-In Black House of Israel-From Foundation to Head!
What does it mean in relation to the Title? Is it talk? A dream...a lie, trick or game? No, it's the truth rooted in Spiritual truth and action relative to Divine Wisdom for the benefit of closing out Black Slavery in America ending in Reparations-Restitution and Land on the Black Continent and Middle East. This claim remains in the face of ' Negro Black, Judas Sellouts and their Satanic Imps moving into Armageddon with their noses up White Supremacist's behinds, begging for integration who want nothing to do with Separation. Denouncing Prophecy they're fighting God-Of the Most High! They have sold their land birthright and freedom out for a mess of cow manure and the 'illusion of fake acceptance and freedom. There job is to help facilitate the destruction of 'Black Israel' for Caucasian Whites, of European ancestry who don't belong In the 'Promised Land, nor on the 'Continent, Land of the Blacks. More on this subject can be found on my Website...www.rbentp.com /on a program called " Desperately Seeking Answers', hosted by Odell Farris". These bloodsucking vampire, punks and sissies will do anything to please their Slave masters in their attempts to destroy the Fathers and men of truth. Perfect example, Barrack Obama who didn't do a damn thing for the benefit of Black independence and freedom! This speaks volumes to what his wife is all about!... with White, Yellow, Colours-Creoles, Mulattoes, Red and Brown on top...Blacks in Continued Slavery on the Bottom, being marketed as slave labor and spending Robots going no where in this death trap of delusional freedom! Why delusional ? It's all identity-power -money and politics, wrapped up in a color scheme at Blacks expense promoting fake brother hood ! The current major player's being ( Trump- Kerry- Netanyahu ) Palestine and the United Nations! President Trump has already stated his intent' ( taking America into the Promised Land which Obama couldn't do and neither will Trump! While the lying tricksters and schemers in the background plot on the Negro-Black hand side, play games with the Sons and daughters pretending what Reuben Seed of Jacob represents and did in action, was nothing, because, they en mass, refuse to stand for truth...( Gods Truth In Judgment) hoping he would be another Jesus-for them which didn't happen in the "One Day War Of 1968" when he crossed the Jordan and took the Throne, Coveted by them all, exposing them as cowards and hypocritical phonies! The knew, and kept secret that they, had sold out too Esau and the White Zionist in the name of Jesus. Reuben was to be Sacrifice. What shook them up was Divine Intervention- exposing white Israel as lying vampires along with the so-called' Muslim Palestine's' claiming Land not theirs. They were placed in that area by Egypt as a thorn in the side of the Original Hebrews ( Israelites)! Today, the fight continues under the banner of Political agreements, Law of Discovery and Divine Law along with Identity theft with Trump-Kerry and Netanyahu in the fore front of pretenders thieves and gangsters...who will end in flames knowing (God Is God of the Living Most High! ...as they try taking over 'Black Israel and the Promised Land' from the 'Gulf of Aqaba' headed by Ethiopia and the Vatican- Jordan's King Abdullah II and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sissie . They are using the Saudi led-Arab peace Initiative along with Donald Trumps Legal- Illegal immigration policies as a cover front on the Mexican border and Chinese trade economics to cover the Black Spiritual Leadership and shield the real issue of the coming Armageddon Tsunami and the issue of Slavery in America. The Debt owed, to standing Black Israel for enforced free slave labor and all it's attending ills which will end in their Exodus returning to the Black Continent and Middle East in accordance with Divine Prophecy-fought for by Reuben, Seed of Jacob and placed on the table before the Nations of the world! Soul to Soul-Spirit to Spirit, Truth to Truth in Faith in Action from the Kings High Way and the Door of Life...in Black Power. Love Self and kind! Respect and Honor. No Games, Tricks or Lies ! Lest We Forget ! A pig is still pork and a devil is still a low down dirty devil -never to be trusted! Reuben ( C) 2/20/2017 Stay well in the truth and faith of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob Sun Son Man of Simeon . Reuben Beckles