African American Negro-Pretending Black-In The Twenty First Century
The truth solution concerning black folk in America, came from Black to Black-not pretending but an action taken in the physical to spiritual, mental into the divine...Action-not theory, talk and pretense, but action culminating in Divine Intervention! The African American Negro is about integrating and money (jobs). Solution for Blacks he doesn't have a solution-he doesn't see Black in the Twenty First Century-He's got everyone and everything going crazy because he's like the polar bear in a hot climate-out of place in the melting pot of insanity!
He's really not accepted cause he doesn't accept himself in truth and he enjoys living the lie in this place he calls home-America, land of the free, home of the brave. He puts his limbs-life-and spirit on the line in a fox hole -on a hill-plane or ship to die for a cause not of his own making then become angry if a real Black Man points him in a righteous direction for himself. Knowing what he gave up for a name of acceptance and a few crumbs he returns home to the cotton plantation moaning and groaning in the arms of Katrina and other elements of nature...Home to nothing! His illusions of a brand new day destroyed-thinking of what he gave up...Black in the Twenty First Century! No foundation-No purpose!
As an African American Negro-pretending Black with no solutions he watches other nations and nationalities use his knowledge and experiences( the blackness of himself) which he no longer wants, move on it to better their, conditions, around the world for themselves. Saying nothing of any consequence, he looses the true identity of himself in the Twenty First Century! He becomes sick and angry in a pitiful state hoping to regain his power and wisdom in the head of An ISIS-Delilah-Sheba or the death of a Jesus! One who will champion his cause as he is used abused and misused thinking money-without land -will help to ease the pain.
Intertainment and deception seems to be the order of the day, so within and all this chaos picture yourselves in these five choices and the spirit that relates to all of them as they represent without question the best that were ever made in these times of mediocrity in the Twenty First Century...( High Noon- Working Girl- Malcolom X-School Days- God Father #3)
Other nations and peoples have no problems building, trading and having general intercourse with an among themselves for the betterment of their futures-but the African American Negro, has a greedy lust for integration at the destruction of himself-trying to prove Black is nothing with no Land-Shape or Form-Where's the Wisdom and Justice in this-where's the future?
We all watch as he returns home to this cotton plantation from the fox holes of war-Vacations-Business to the nothingness of Katrina arms casting his bread upon the waters of the world that returns with no value-no interest pretending! Through the essence of all this folly Black Stands...Man- a King one with his God-unbent-unshaken-Reuben, Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon...Black Is Beautiful!
Reuben Beckles @11/17/2005
He's really not accepted cause he doesn't accept himself in truth and he enjoys living the lie in this place he calls home-America, land of the free, home of the brave. He puts his limbs-life-and spirit on the line in a fox hole -on a hill-plane or ship to die for a cause not of his own making then become angry if a real Black Man points him in a righteous direction for himself. Knowing what he gave up for a name of acceptance and a few crumbs he returns home to the cotton plantation moaning and groaning in the arms of Katrina and other elements of nature...Home to nothing! His illusions of a brand new day destroyed-thinking of what he gave up...Black in the Twenty First Century! No foundation-No purpose!
As an African American Negro-pretending Black with no solutions he watches other nations and nationalities use his knowledge and experiences( the blackness of himself) which he no longer wants, move on it to better their, conditions, around the world for themselves. Saying nothing of any consequence, he looses the true identity of himself in the Twenty First Century! He becomes sick and angry in a pitiful state hoping to regain his power and wisdom in the head of An ISIS-Delilah-Sheba or the death of a Jesus! One who will champion his cause as he is used abused and misused thinking money-without land -will help to ease the pain.
Intertainment and deception seems to be the order of the day, so within and all this chaos picture yourselves in these five choices and the spirit that relates to all of them as they represent without question the best that were ever made in these times of mediocrity in the Twenty First Century...( High Noon- Working Girl- Malcolom X-School Days- God Father #3)
Other nations and peoples have no problems building, trading and having general intercourse with an among themselves for the betterment of their futures-but the African American Negro, has a greedy lust for integration at the destruction of himself-trying to prove Black is nothing with no Land-Shape or Form-Where's the Wisdom and Justice in this-where's the future?
We all watch as he returns home to this cotton plantation from the fox holes of war-Vacations-Business to the nothingness of Katrina arms casting his bread upon the waters of the world that returns with no value-no interest pretending! Through the essence of all this folly Black Stands...Man- a King one with his God-unbent-unshaken-Reuben, Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon...Black Is Beautiful!
Reuben Beckles @11/17/2005