Lies-lies people accept-slaves question nothing!
The conference held in Atlanta sometime ago featured what was known and called, heavy weights, in the civil rights movement as they talked about the state of Black America! Truth is, it was about the advancement of colored folk using black folk with the help of Black Judas sellouts, ie: NAACP. This is why slavery for black folk is alive and well as we witnessed during and after Katrina. Coloreds and whites are together when it comes to a non- solution to the black problem in America and the black Judas sellouts in the back ground know it. They wax fat with black reparations and no land as they use the knowledge and spirit of black to keep the people down with nothing!
We listened as Tavis smiley, one of the moderators, among others, propose a new covenant with the people they claim to be helping. Are they saying they are Gods of the universe using divine authority to solve the black dilemma? That solution has already been set down in scriptures long before Tavis Smiley, Louis Farrakan, Jessie Jackson, Cornell West, Dyson and a host of others were born. In my opinion, what these folk are suggesting is more of the same perpetuation of institutionized slavery! They are suggesting they have arrived; black folk die for us!
In this day and time no one wants to be who they really are-suggesting prophecy is nothing. We,re just a pot of stew...Black, White, Red, Yellow and Brown. Brown is the new Black and Ex President Clinton is the Blackest man on the planet as more black men went to jail on his watch than under any president before him and Rosa Parks started the rebellion of the civil rights movement. It's a shame and a sham!.
Think about it...If this white country was set up for white folk and black folks were truly an accepted part of the nation-why were you brought here in chains and shackles...Why the need for special civil rights or a voting rights act along with special legislation in various states across the nation? Why the sham of acceptance? Why the abuse and misuse by blood sucking vampires who wax fat because of free labor. Why accept the lie black folk. America, is not the black man's land and no amount of laws will make it so! You are being sucked into a pit of quick sand and you are witnessing your own extermination because you refuse to stand for what's right and just...Being lead by your enemies! It wasn't Iraq that blew up the building-creating (911) check the record-these people didn't commit the crime anymore than the emancipation freed the slaves! You tell me how you free a people in a country like this who are not accepted and were never paid for all that free labor-descendants or other wise! Check the interest on credit cards and the national debt. From generation to generation the investors and paper pushers must be paid! Yet you are told the value of your labor is a free gift. Your inheritance is great if you understand the value of Reparations and Land. Knowing this, there would have been no need for you to beg the slave master for help during and after katrina. We watched the million more movement in Washington, D.C. where you can't vote. You stood before empty buildings where speaker after speaker spoke to you and your families about things of importance. They talked to you, empty buildings and some grass while the cameras took your picture. The people who were paid by your tax dollars to help you resolve some of your concerns weren't there...The buildings were empty and this was on a weekend. My question is what did you and your leaders expect to accomplish talking in front of and too an empty building? Black folk-these are not times for fun and games-do you love yourselves or do you enjoy being played??
Reuben Beckles @11/11/2005
We listened as Tavis smiley, one of the moderators, among others, propose a new covenant with the people they claim to be helping. Are they saying they are Gods of the universe using divine authority to solve the black dilemma? That solution has already been set down in scriptures long before Tavis Smiley, Louis Farrakan, Jessie Jackson, Cornell West, Dyson and a host of others were born. In my opinion, what these folk are suggesting is more of the same perpetuation of institutionized slavery! They are suggesting they have arrived; black folk die for us!
In this day and time no one wants to be who they really are-suggesting prophecy is nothing. We,re just a pot of stew...Black, White, Red, Yellow and Brown. Brown is the new Black and Ex President Clinton is the Blackest man on the planet as more black men went to jail on his watch than under any president before him and Rosa Parks started the rebellion of the civil rights movement. It's a shame and a sham!.
Think about it...If this white country was set up for white folk and black folks were truly an accepted part of the nation-why were you brought here in chains and shackles...Why the need for special civil rights or a voting rights act along with special legislation in various states across the nation? Why the sham of acceptance? Why the abuse and misuse by blood sucking vampires who wax fat because of free labor. Why accept the lie black folk. America, is not the black man's land and no amount of laws will make it so! You are being sucked into a pit of quick sand and you are witnessing your own extermination because you refuse to stand for what's right and just...Being lead by your enemies! It wasn't Iraq that blew up the building-creating (911) check the record-these people didn't commit the crime anymore than the emancipation freed the slaves! You tell me how you free a people in a country like this who are not accepted and were never paid for all that free labor-descendants or other wise! Check the interest on credit cards and the national debt. From generation to generation the investors and paper pushers must be paid! Yet you are told the value of your labor is a free gift. Your inheritance is great if you understand the value of Reparations and Land. Knowing this, there would have been no need for you to beg the slave master for help during and after katrina. We watched the million more movement in Washington, D.C. where you can't vote. You stood before empty buildings where speaker after speaker spoke to you and your families about things of importance. They talked to you, empty buildings and some grass while the cameras took your picture. The people who were paid by your tax dollars to help you resolve some of your concerns weren't there...The buildings were empty and this was on a weekend. My question is what did you and your leaders expect to accomplish talking in front of and too an empty building? Black folk-these are not times for fun and games-do you love yourselves or do you enjoy being played??
Reuben Beckles @11/11/2005
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