Slavery And Poverty-Solution
Black folk read the signs and truth of prophecy. These are the times of truth and separation. Katrina and much more devastating disasters are lurking around the corner. The spot lights through the news media are showing us the pretenders and phonies who have been waxing fat in this system telling us that we are all the same all one people as the sewer caught them all. according to prophecy they know their time is up. They had no love as they practiced deception and they have none now. Faith based leaders as they are called" Bishops,Ministers, Elders, politicians and activists, use you, talk and beg for money and air time as you languish in pain and filth as you hold your babies and minor children in the heat of the day with no food or water, no change of clothing. In the darkness of night-no ATM, no sleep nor light. Men and women pretenders shouting -love- we're all one, it's all good, as coloreds trying to be you, thinking they can take your place! Whites and Black judas sell outs hold back their help hoping you'll die-as they feel nothing for you, cause they could not cross over and enter the promised lands and that is spiritual truth! These are the same folk, who told you get out...move to higher ground knowing you had no transportation, no money and couldn't get out. Yes the sewer caught them all! Over the years in the name of religion and social progress these thugs and judas sell outs use you in your name-they talk a good game-became wealthy, all in your name. Now is the time to stand and tell the truth. We are no longer slaves -this is not our land-so your solution must be reparations so you may return to your God given land just like the prodical son. You don't want phoney paper money and a system that's killing us cause you're marked for extermination! What you need and want is Gold and Silver, well digging equipment, seeds of all kind and anything else you think we'll need and with God as our witness we'll do the rest. You won't go hungry you won't have to beg and put up with phoney pretenders! There's a lot to be learned from history when you know it. You're going through katrina-Mississippi 1927. Do you have the love of self and kind as we watched the young son rush into the arms of his loving father-arms he thought he had lost to the flood waters of Katrina 2005. I have crossed over and your enemies know it and I don't play games! I am Reuben son of Simeon-seed of Jacob. C@ 9/18/2005 Reuben Beckles
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