Original Black Man's Problem In America
From generation to generation with love for himself -his God and kind-his problem, the essence of himself. Able to weather all storms of adversity having no knowledge of greed, selfishness, pretense, deception or trickery. Even when placed on ships from abroad at the ports of no return his conscience was so deep -so high in the light of creativity that it has taken many years for the dawn of justice to appear from within the essence of his being to erupt in the light of truth.
Within the spirit of envy and jealousy-from the middle east to what is known as the dark continent he rises in America, from a deep sleep, understanding the art of treachery and slavery at the hands of ancient foreign matter-finding that within his words and actions he built a nation where he gets no credit but illusion and phony pretense-his families torn apart, mutilated and slaughtered like the buffalos that once roamed the plains of America...Unable to speak!
Slowly, he awakes and his fed the love of Jesus on the cross-in the crisscross and doubled crossed for destruction, power and land! He is forced to bow down in the name of Islam and the warring crescent because they could not find his throne. Ridiculed and starved-tempted with money to denounce himself under Judaism-given just enough to keep him striving for the benefit of others who hate him for being!
Living, creating and working in America, he watches his ancestors come to these shores from the continent he was taken, the descendants of those whom had originally sold him out with hands out saying this is the greatest system in the world-he watches them come from the cradle of civilization-beg for shelter- food -money-medicine-jobs...Looking down their noses at the black man here, who made the wealth they enjoy possible. They claim they don't know him or don't want to as they live in enclaves, exclusively, to themselves-secretly planning to terminate him to become(Him)...Trying to live his birthright. This while we honor them as our ancestors not want to believe they sold us out to the forces of genocide and slavery!
The situation is the same as the people who live to the south of us on the land mass known as Mexico. The people here don't want to admit, their people sold them out for fifteen million dollars in gold and silver under the treaty of Guadalupe Hildigo. Not only were the people sold out but the lands of California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico. They like the blacks don't want to admit the truth and own up to their own responsibilities, for present day chaos. Nations of the world come to America, to enjoy what they call the good life in freedom while black folk languish here looking for a brighter day!
After the sellout that didn't kill the Blackman, he stands alone in the center of knowledge, wisdom and homelessness, as his female counterpart says he weak-nothing-she thinks and wears the pants -she's Queen, he's a drone ! Yet, there he stands a smile across his face, greeting all people...How are you he ask? Some speak, some don't, pretending he doesn't exit. I'm Jewish-Have a blessed day, I'm Christian! The lord is blessing...I' m an Arab- I'm a Muslim-I'm an American-I'm a Negro an Afro-American!...A businessman...A doctor...Dentist...Teacher, lawyer-politician-housewife! Before the Blackman can tell them who he is as the creator of all they enjoy and take for granted they disappear. With a smile on his face he watches the clouds of Katrina cover the land. A bright light appears, he too is gone...Leaving the nations to their fate and pretense-without the divine creation!
Reuben Beckles @ 11/12/2005
Within the spirit of envy and jealousy-from the middle east to what is known as the dark continent he rises in America, from a deep sleep, understanding the art of treachery and slavery at the hands of ancient foreign matter-finding that within his words and actions he built a nation where he gets no credit but illusion and phony pretense-his families torn apart, mutilated and slaughtered like the buffalos that once roamed the plains of America...Unable to speak!
Slowly, he awakes and his fed the love of Jesus on the cross-in the crisscross and doubled crossed for destruction, power and land! He is forced to bow down in the name of Islam and the warring crescent because they could not find his throne. Ridiculed and starved-tempted with money to denounce himself under Judaism-given just enough to keep him striving for the benefit of others who hate him for being!
Living, creating and working in America, he watches his ancestors come to these shores from the continent he was taken, the descendants of those whom had originally sold him out with hands out saying this is the greatest system in the world-he watches them come from the cradle of civilization-beg for shelter- food -money-medicine-jobs...Looking down their noses at the black man here, who made the wealth they enjoy possible. They claim they don't know him or don't want to as they live in enclaves, exclusively, to themselves-secretly planning to terminate him to become(Him)...Trying to live his birthright. This while we honor them as our ancestors not want to believe they sold us out to the forces of genocide and slavery!
The situation is the same as the people who live to the south of us on the land mass known as Mexico. The people here don't want to admit, their people sold them out for fifteen million dollars in gold and silver under the treaty of Guadalupe Hildigo. Not only were the people sold out but the lands of California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico. They like the blacks don't want to admit the truth and own up to their own responsibilities, for present day chaos. Nations of the world come to America, to enjoy what they call the good life in freedom while black folk languish here looking for a brighter day!
After the sellout that didn't kill the Blackman, he stands alone in the center of knowledge, wisdom and homelessness, as his female counterpart says he weak-nothing-she thinks and wears the pants -she's Queen, he's a drone ! Yet, there he stands a smile across his face, greeting all people...How are you he ask? Some speak, some don't, pretending he doesn't exit. I'm Jewish-Have a blessed day, I'm Christian! The lord is blessing...I' m an Arab- I'm a Muslim-I'm an American-I'm a Negro an Afro-American!...A businessman...A doctor...Dentist...Teacher, lawyer-politician-housewife! Before the Blackman can tell them who he is as the creator of all they enjoy and take for granted they disappear. With a smile on his face he watches the clouds of Katrina cover the land. A bright light appears, he too is gone...Leaving the nations to their fate and pretense-without the divine creation!
Reuben Beckles @ 11/12/2005
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